{Review+Giveaway} Your Sound by Katia Rose

December 6, 2018 Blog Tours, Giveaways, New Adult, Reviews 2 ★★★½

{Review+Giveaway} Your Sound by Katia Rose

{Review+Giveaway} Your Sound by Katia RoseYour Sound by Katia Rose
Pages: 272
Published by Amazon Digital Services on December 1, 2018
Series: Sherbrooke Station #3
Genres: New Adult, contemporary, Rockstar Romance, Romance
Source: ecopy from Author

Molly Myers is just your average groupie next door.


The rock star whose posters cover her bedroom wall is banging her roommate right on the other side of it. Even for Molly, reigning queen of embarrassing moments, the situation is epically awkward. Every thump of the headboard is just one more reminder that the lead singers of famous bands don’t date bumbling shy girls too anxious to leave their own rooms.

JP Bouchard-Guindon wasn’t looking for Molly’s room when he accidentally burst through the door, but the wild-haired girl lying there in her underwear was certainly worth the detour.

As the keyboardist for Montreal’s latest indie rock sensation, JP has met his fair share of fangirls. He’s always ready to throw up some finger guns for a photo. What he’s not ready for is the way skittish, wide-eyed Molly Myers gets stuck inside his head.

A practical joker and a social recluse are the last people anyone expects a connection between. She’s silence aching for a voice, and he’s sound with a craving for quiet. Their differences will either pull them together, or fracture their worlds when they push them apart.

Your Sound is part of the Sherbrooke Station Quartet, a series of steamy rock star standalones from author Katia Rose.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
NA Review My Thoughts

Your Sound is the third book in the Sherbrooke Station series by author Katia Rose. Each of the books in the Sherbrooke Station series can be read as a standalone. I haven’t read either of the first two books, but I did really enjoy Your Sound. I don’t read a ton of books about rock stars or musicians, it is not something I want to read about too often, but every now and then I see a book that catches my eye. And that happened with Your Sound. I think it was the way the main characters were described. I felt instantly connected to Molly and JP, in a way that I can’t really explain. I just knew that as soon as I saw the summary for this book, I knew it was a romance I wouldn’t want to miss.

And I was right, I did love Molly and JP. I really felt for Molly. I could certainly relate to her. She gets so nervous and anxious around people that it can be really debilitating sometimes. She said something at one point in the story that really hit home with me, because as I am getting more stressed lately, it has been something I have struggled with as well. Molly said that she has a hard time not imagining the worst possible senario for any given thing. She just obsesses over everything that can go wrong and it overwhelms her. I really felt for Molly. And I was determined to see her get her happy ending.

Molly is super shy, but her roommate is in a serious relationship with someone from Molly’s favorite band- Sherbrooke station. Can you even imagine how uncomfortable that would be? Having a huge fangirl crush on a guy, only to have him be head over heels for your roommate? I have never read Ace and Stephanie’s story, but I don’t see him being a good match for Molly. Now, JP on the other hand is the right balance of easy going and calming to mesh with Molly. JP always makes Molly feel at ease, which is like liquid gold for her. Can you tell that I really love JP and Molly together? Not to mention they are both so talented- Molly is a great budding artist and JP is super musically talented.

I loved watching their friendship turn into something more. There were a few road bumps along the way, and a few annoyances within those road bumps for me, but overall this was a really sweet, and cute romance. I can’t wait to read about the other members of Sherbrooke Station in their own stories. I will definitely be checking them all out. This was a fun romance and would be great for fans of art and music.


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About Katia Rose

Katia Rose is not much of a Pina Colada person, but she does like getting caught in the rain. She prefers her romance served steamy with a side of smart, and is a sucker for quirky characters. A habit of jetting off to distant countries means she’s rarely in one place for very long, but she calls the frigid northland that is Canada home.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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