{Review+Giveaway} My Senior Year of Awesome by Jennifer DiGiovanni @jendwrites @SwoonRomance

March 4, 2016 Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult 11 ★★★½

{Review+Giveaway} My Senior Year of Awesome by Jennifer DiGiovanni @jendwrites @SwoonRomance

{Review+Giveaway} My Senior Year of Awesome by Jennifer DiGiovanni @jendwrites @SwoonRomanceMy Senior Year of Awesome by Jennifer DiGiovanni
Pages: 304
Published by Swoon Romance on March 1st 2016
Series: School Dayz #1
Genres: Young Adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Publisher

A girl desperately tries to avoid the boy she was voted most likely to marry by her senior classmates. To prove senior superlative votes are meaningless, she and her best friend create their own list of awesome high school achievements to be completed by graduation.

Also in this series: My Junior Year of Loathing

YA ReviewMy Thoughts
My Senior Year of Awesome is a standalone young adult  contemporary romance by Jennifer DiGiovanni. My Senior Year of Awesome is a really cute read about senior year superlatives and how they brought a couple together. Sadie was voted most likely to marry, along with Adam. Only problem is that superlative is usually reserved for a lovey dovey couple at the school, and Sadie and Adam have never even gone on a date. In fact, most of the time they ignore or annoy each other. Right away, I knew it was going to be a cute story because I love the bickering turned to romance. (does that make me weird?)

Sadie grew on me as a character, but at the start of the story, I thought she was kind of a brat. I mean, Adam is nothing but the sweetest guy to her and she was pretty rude about the whole superlative thing. But it is clear that Sadie is a good person, and watching her hang out more with Adam was adorable. Mostly, because it was painfully obvious that he has a huge crush on Sadie. I wish the book was told from Adam’s point of view as well, but it is told entirely from Sadie.

My favorite thing about My Senior Year of Awesome (apart from Adam) were the lists that Sadie and her best friend would complete. If you know me, you know I love a good to do list story, and in between almost all of the chapters were different lists created by Sadie. They were really really funny. Don’t skip over them if you are reading the book, you will really enjoy them! I felt like some hidden one liner gems can be found in each of the lists.

Bottom line: If you like your romances on the cute side, My Senior Year of Awesome is a book that will have you smiling. Give Sadie a chance to redeem herself, and I think you will end up liking her. And you will love Adam. If you don’t, then do not come and talk to me, because I am telling you now, I am a little angry with you for your opinion on that one. (just kidding, but Adam is AWESOME!) I can’t wait to read more books by Jennifer DiGiovanni because she writes her romances just the way I like them- Sassy and cute with adorable characters.

P.S. Correction: This is not a standalone book. It looks like it is the first book in the School Dayz series. If I had to guess, I would say each book in the series will focus on a different couple, but that remains to be confirmed.

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About Jennifer DiGiovanni

Jennifer lives in a small town near Philadelphia, PA with her husband and three children. In college, she double majored in English and business, and later went back to school for her MBA. She currently works as a freelance writer and owns a small business. She also spends time cheering at her kids’ soccer games, re-learning algebra to help with homework assignments, and cooking up healthy dinners that nobody eats. When she’s not doing any of those things, you can find her reading, working on home design projects, or running (though she’s much better at walking). At night, when her house is finally quiet, she brings her YA characters to life. My Senior Year of Awesome is her first novel.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

11 Responses to “{Review+Giveaway} My Senior Year of Awesome by Jennifer DiGiovanni @jendwrites @SwoonRomance”

  1. Kristina Oden

    Thank you for introducing me new authors. I am looking forward to exploring the sites I have found, and picking up My Senior Year of Awesome to read! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity with the giveaway.

  2. danielle hammelef

    I love the synopsis and cover! I think this is going to be a fun read for me. Thanks for the chance to win and for the post!

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