{Review+Giveaway} Bridges Burned by Chris Cannon @entangledteen @ccannonauthor

Posted January 22, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult / 2 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} Bridges Burned by Chris Cannon @entangledteen @ccannonauthor

{Review+Giveaway} Bridges Burned by Chris Cannon @entangledteen @ccannonauthorBridges Burned by Chris Cannon
Pages: 396
Published by Entangled Teen on January 19, 2015
Series: Going Down in Flames #2
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Love & Romance, Paranormal, Young Adult
Source: eARC from Publisher

Don't just fight the system…burn it.

Since discovering she is a shape-shifting, fire-breathing dragon on her sixteenth birthday (surprise!), Bryn McKenna’s world has been thrown into chaos. Being a “crossbreed”—part Red dragon and part Blue—means Bryn will never fit in. Not with dragon society. Not with the archaic and controlling Directorate. And definitely not when she has striped hair and a not-so-popular affection for rule-breaking…

But sneaking around with her secret boyfriend, Zavien, gets a whole lot harder when he’s betrothed to someone else. Someone who isn't a mixed breed and totally forbidden. And for an added complication, it turns out Bryn’s former archnemesis Jaxon Westgate isn’t quite the evil asshat she thought. Now she’s caught between her desire to fit in and a need to set things on fire. Literally.

Because if Bryn can’t adapt to the status quo…well, then maybe it’s time for her to change it.

Also in this series: Trial By Fire

YA ReviewMy Thoughts Bridges Burned is the second book in the young adult paranormal series, Going Down in Flames. This book dives right in after the events of the first book, so if you haven’t read the first book in a while, you may be lost. I was. I had to go back and read my first review to try and spark my memory of just how everything left off. I think Bridges Burned was a good second installment in the Going Down in Flames series, although I have to say one character in particular threw me for a loop. He did a complete 180 personality wise.

There is more romance, or should I say romance drama in this book than there was in the first book. And I was kind of bummed by that. It mostly has to do with what a huge jerk Zavien is. I liked him in the first book and I was undecided about Jaxon, but in this book it totally gets reversed. I can’t stand Zavien, and I really like Jaxon. Don’t get me wrong though, this is not a love story between Bryn and Jaxon; he just turned out to be a much better guy than I thought in the first book. And for that, I respected him more.

Bryn is still just a spunky and fiesty as she was in the first book, and her mouth and rash attitude still get her into tons of trouble, but I wouldn’t have her any other way. She is a lot of fun, and I love her two friends. Ivy and Clint, and her knight Valmont redeem the jerkiness that is Zavien. I still have no idea what is to come in the romance department for Bryn, but I can’t wait to see what is next in store for the dragons. They are on the brink of war throughout Bridges Burned and things left off kind of dicey. The ending felt a little abrupt again, like it did in the first book. This one was more cliff-hanger-y, but I think it will be a good set up for what is sure to be an action packed book.

The Going Down in Flames series is a great representation of a young adult paranormal that is more focused on the action and dragon lore than it is on the romance. Sure, the romance and all the teenage drama that comes with it is there, but for me the focus of the book continued to be on the government, the directorate. (if you will recall, from my first review, I called it a government full of Umbridges.) But I will say one thing for the romance present in the books, it is unexpected. I still have no idea just what direction it is going to go in. This book was a complete surprise for me in that regard. If you want to know more on my thoughts on each of the guys in this series, click the toggle box below. But be warned, it does contain spoilers.

 Bottom Line: Bridges Burned is a great second installment in an action packed young adult paranormal featuring a controlling government and clans of dragons with super cool abilities. 

Zavien– UGH. he drove me crazy in this book. I liked him in the last book, and I actually believed him when he said he was just friends with his “intended”. What a joke. In this book he was so rude to Bryn. Just dragging her around and leading her on. When that dance scene happened, I wanted to punch him out. I felt betrayed. I don’t think I have ever gone from liking a character to hating a character this much.I don’t think I will be able to like him again. He is dead to me. (he is still very much alive in the book)

Valmont- Oh how I love Valmont. Her knight is so awesome. My opinion of him Changed in this book too. In the last book I liked him, but I never thought of him as a romantic interest. At all. And I still didn’t take his flirting seriously until the last 1/4th of the book. I love Valmont to death, and I think I would be happy about him and Bryn together. He is ALWAYS looking out for her, and he is just a great guy. He would always treat her right, of that I have no doubt. I have no idea if it is going to happen or not, but the thought of Jaxon is holding me back from jumping on the Bryn and Valmont train. And trust me, no one is more surprised to hear me say that than I am.

Jaxon- Yet another opinion changer. Him and Bryn were still at each other’s throats for most of this book, but the vibe between the two of them changed dramatically. It was more banter than outright hostility.And I can’t deny that he was always there for Bryn when she needed someone. I am starting to really like the idea of them developing feelings for each other. Le Gasp! I know, I never would have believed any of the things I am saying after just reading the first book. There is just something about him, and after I saw the way he was so wonderful with Rhianna, I can’t help but like him even more. I want him to like Bryn! 

blue4Other Books in the Going Down in Flames Series:

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About Chris Cannon

I love reading and writing snarky, kick-butt characters who take on the world and win.
My truths: You can never have too many books, shoes, or purses.
Coffee is the Elixir of Life.

There should be a National Nerf Bat Day where you are allowed to whack annoying people upside the head.


2 responses to “{Review+Giveaway} Bridges Burned by Chris Cannon @entangledteen @ccannonauthor

  1. I actually like that this was more action centered than it was about the romance. I think I would like this series and I just love the covers so the cover whore in me is demanding I pick them up. 😛

  2. I love this series and can’t wait to read BB! Your spoilers about the boys have only enticed me more. I could see Bryn being with Valmont but I think that first scene in GDF where she meets Jaxon in the school’s cafeteria for the first time is telling too. Definitely a good mix of action and romance with this series.
    It’ll be interesting to see what happens next!

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