Pages: 74
Published by Createspace Independent Pub on November 20, 2014
Genres: contemporary, Holiday, Love & Romance, New Adult
Source: eARC from Author
I was getting ready to spend the single most important holiday of the year alone. Completely and utterly alone.
That meant he wouldn’t be there Christmas Eve. No making Christmas cookies, or listening to my dad sing off-key while my mom bustled around wrapping last-minute gifts. No decorating the tree. No midnight Christmas kiss.
No waking up in Grey’s arms. We were actually going to spend our very first Christmas in different states.
That was until Grey gave me the most unexpected gift of my life.
This week is Holiday Novella week at Book Briefs. And it was unintentional. I guess it is just that time of year, and I was craving holiday novellas so much that I booked reviews of two of them for series that I have read and enjoyed, back to back. Yesterday I reviewed This Christmas by Katlyn Duncan, and in the review I talked about how the book surprised me with its’ more somber beginning. So I didn’t want to get any preconceived notions in my head before reading A Very Grey Christmas. But this book was just what I expected it to be- a fluffy, and cheesy fun holiday romantic read. I love Grey so much, as you can tell from my reviews of the first two books in the series, so I will always jump at a chance to read more about him and all his southern charm. I love any kind of holiday novella, but I think my favorite kind is getting to peek in on characters that I already know and love from a series that I have read. Just like the Kissing Eden series.
A Very Grey Christmas was a quick and super cute read. There is the perfect book for fans of the Kissing Eden series and for lovers of Christmas. There are decorations galore, caroling and Christmas plays. I love that Eden’s family goes all out for the holiday. Her mom was hilarious. It makes me want to start decorating for Christmas right now.
I’m not sure if the next book is going to continue to focus on Grey and Eden or if it will shift over to Mason and Taylor, or maybe even a new couple. And I don’t even know what I want it to do. I want to see more of Grey, that’s for sure. It might be nice to see another couple get the spotlight, but I love Grey and Eden so much that I would love to see them get another book. I guess what I am trying to say is that Mrs. Foster will need to write many more books set in South Padre. I want more!
Other Books in the Kissing Eden Series:
(Click on the covers to go to my review)
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I really need to pick up some Christmas reads! So many people are reviewing all of these reads that looks so darn sweet that I need to get some too. 😉
Wonderful review!