{Review+Giveaway} The Warrior by @victoriascottya @entangledteen

Posted May 12, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult / 3 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} The Warrior by @victoriascottya @entangledteen

{Review+Giveaway} The Warrior by @victoriascottya @entangledteenThe Warrior by Victoria Scott
Pages: 352
Published by Entangled Teen, Macmillan on May 6, 2014
Genres: Love & Romance, Paranormal, Young Adult
Source: eARC from Publisher

War between heaven and hell is coming, but Dante Walker makes it look damn good.

Dante’s girlfriend, Charlie, is fated to save the world. And Aspen, the girl who feels like a sister, is an ordained soldier. In order to help both fulfill their destiny and win the war, Dante must complete liberator training at the Hive, rescue Aspen from hell, and uncover a message hidden on an ancient scroll.

Dante is built for battle, but even he can’t handle the nightmares where spiders crawl from Aspen’s eyes, or the look on Charlie’s face that foretells of devastation. To make matters worse, the enemy seizes every opportunity to break inside the Hive and cripple the liberators. But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, and to stand victorious, Dante will have to embrace something inside himself he never has before—faith.


YA Review

My Thoughts

Dante, oh Dante- how can I express how much I love thee? This final installment of The Dante Walker trilogy has been all I expected and more. It might even be my favorite book of the trilogy. It is right up there with the first book, and I loved that one so much.

Dante Walker is such a complicated character. Some people love him, some people can’t stand him and some people want to have his babies. I, for one, can’t get enough of him. I fall into categories 1 and 3 soundly. I love how complicated and flawed Victoria Scott made him. He is a bad boy that can charm the pants off of anyone. I freakin’ love his humor. But I also love the insight you get into him. His doubts and fears that he keeps buried in his head. Those made me swoon almost as much as the romance. There is just something about Dante. Actually, to sum up- I think Dante himself says it best:

“You’re attracted to me, I know. Everyone is. Don’t start second guessing your sexuality. It’s just a Dante Walker thing.” 😉

I like Charlie and she is great in this book as well, but for me this is really all about Dante. When Charlie shows up it is mostly through him and his feelings and thoughts about her. (That might not have been the case all the time, but Dante kind of takes over my mind and it seemed that way to me.) I was completely fine with this. I don’t think there are enough books out there that tell a male main characters story. I love that the girl is secondary in this series.

This book earned every bit of its’ 5 star rating, but if I haddd to pick something to critique it would be the sheer amount of secondary characters. There were A LOT of them. Sometimes it was difficult to keep track of just what everyone was doing at any given time. But it wasn’t a big deal. I loved all of the action. Don’t forget there is a war between Heaven and Hell going on and Charlie didn’t ever seem to be safe enough for Dante throughout the whole book. So you know he is going to be amped up to protect her. I love him in protective mode. (ok, before I go into a longer rant about things I love about Dante I will wrap this up.)

If you like paranormal young adult, read this series. Victoria Scott has done an incredible job making a trilogy that is so much fun to read and try to piece together. I want to re-read the whole thing right now. I am not ready to let Dante go.




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About Victoria Scott

Victoria Scott is a teen fiction writer represented by Sara Crowe. She’s the author of the FIRE & FLOOD series published by Scholastic, and the DANTE WALKER trilogy published by Entangled Teen. Her books have been bought and translated in eleven foreign markets including the UK, Turkey, China, Poland, Germany, Australia, Israel, Taiwan, Brazil, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.

Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.

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