Pages: 244
Published by Griffyn Ink on August 13, 2019
Genres: Paranormal, Romance
Medical illustrator Gillian Denver has a unique talent, and it’s not her ability to depict the systems of the body accurately and artistically. She can talk to spirits, only she doesn’t realize it.
Peter Keith, a one-time TV sitcom star whose career dissolved from A-lister hunk, to out of shape, straight-to-cable-movie D-lister has a problem. Peter regrets decisions he made in his life and would like a do-over. He convinces Gillian to help him. One little problem, Peter is dead.
Thinking it’s her overactive imagination causing her reoccurring dreams about Peter to spill into daylight hours, Gillian finds herself talking to him while she works. Together they begin to recreate Peter’s life by writing a book the way he wishes things had worked out. Gillian is not fully convinced that Peter is anything more than something she made up, a glorified imaginary friend, a new muse.
Gillian’s feelings for Peter complicate her relationships with the living. She is afraid the love she has for Peter will never be enough because she cannot give him what he really needs: a resolution to the life he wasn’t ready to leave.

1. Describe Dead Sexy in a tweet (140 characters or less)
140 characters or less is always a challenge, but I’ll give it my best.
Dead Sexy is a paranormal ghost romance about a Hollywood has-been hunk and the woman who falls in love with his ghost.
(119 characters)
But I don’t feel that tells you much at all, let me try again:
Hollywood has-been hunk finds a talented illustrator to write him into the perfect life he didn’t have. Life doesn’t give you do-overs, neither does the afterlife.
(Too long)
Peter Keith wants a do-over. Problem is he’s dead. Illustrator Gillian wants to help him. Problem is she’s in love with him.
(124 characters)
Can a person become a better person after they’ve died? Gil is pretty sure the answer is yes because she has fallen in love with a ghost.
(137 characters)
Can you tell us something that we would be surprised to learn about Peter and Gillian?
It’s not in the story, but as part of her career in Medical Illustration, Gillian would have a Master’s Degree. She also knows a lot more about how a human body works than what’s touched on in Dead Sexy.
Peter is pretty straight forward, he was a hot commodity in the late 1980’s early 1990’s, and never came to grips with not staying a Hollywood favorite.
Gillian has a type: it’s male. She’s more interested in what’s going on in a guy’s brain than his looks. Peter had a definite physical type he was interested in, but when he meets Gil he learns that isn’t as important as personality.
What is the hardest aspect of writing a paranormal romance novel?
I find writing contemporary without a paranormal aspect to be harder. In paranormal, the guys get to be too handsome too perfect and it’s all explained because they are preternatural. Of course, that’s when it’s fun to make these uber alpha types flawed and vulnerable. Since those are the cracks the women who love them rip open and say, “this is the part of you that is worth loving, this is the part the world needs.”
What are some books that you have been loving lately?
I read all over the place when it comes to genres. I also listen to a lot of audiobooks. Currently, I’ve been listening to the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. Lined up on my e-reader is a variety of industry marketing books (since I’m always learning) and some romances from Dena Garson, Zoe Chant, Savannah Kade, and DB Sieders. My TBR list is too long.
What are you hoping to see more of in the world of books this year?
This is probably not the type of answer you were expecting: I would really like to see more time to read. I know that’s not discussing hot trends, which I am horrible at following as they are about to happen. I always find out about a hot trend when it’s already started cooling off! Like dragon shifters and reverse harems. So what I really would like is for there to just be more time for me to read for fun. It’s part of the reason my TBR list is so long: too many books, not enough time.
If we had an author talent show, what would your talent be?
I used to be a performing bellydancer. So if I had to do a talent show, I would dust off a sparkly costume, and pull out some music with a Middle Eastern rhythm and drop hip. It’s been several years since I’ve actually danced, so I don’t know how good I would be. I would be heavily relying on muscle memory.
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great post. enjoyed the fun interview. the character sounds like the ghost whisperer and i love paranormal books.
sherry @ fundinmental