{Review+Giveaway} Foolproof Love by @Katee_Robert @BrazenBooks @entangledpub

Posted June 8, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Adult, Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews / 0 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} Foolproof Love by @Katee_Robert @BrazenBooks @entangledpub

{Review+Giveaway} Foolproof Love by @Katee_Robert @BrazenBooks @entangledpubFoolproof Love by Katee Robert
Published by Entangled: Brazen on June 6, 2016
Series: Foolproof Love #1
Genres: adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Publisher

Bull rider Adam Meyer put Devil’s Falls in his rearview mirror years ago and hasn’t stopped running since. Now he’s back—temporarily, if he has any say about it. Restless, he finds himself kissing the sexiest girl in town…and agreeing to be the fake boyfriend in her little revenge scheme.

Jules Rodrigez isn’t interested in the role of town spinster. Being seen with a hell raiser like Adam is the perfect way to scandalize the residents, make her ex jealous, and prove she’s a sexy, desirable woman.

But this thing between them has an expiration date. Putting down roots isn’t in Adam’s blood, and Jules’s roots in Devil’s Falls are bedrock deep. He’ll leave, even if it rips out his heart. But this time, he’s not sure he’ll survive it…

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Also in this series: Fool Me Once

Adult Review

My Thoughts

Foolproof Love is the first in an adult contemporary romance series by the same name by Katee Robert. I really enjoyed Foolproof Love. I thought it was a fun book, and I loved the small town- gossipy setting. I think this is the making of great things to come for this series. And on that note, I can’t wait for the next book in the series because I love the little spitfire that is Audrey. But this story was Jules and Adam’s story, and I really enjoyed both of them.

Foolproof Love is told in dual narrative between Adam and Jules, which I have loved. I have recently read a string book that were from only the girls point of view, and it made me realize just how much I love the split point of view in books. It is very much my preferred narration style…all the time. The small town setting was perfect for this story, because Jules desperately wanted to escape the labels that everyone has attached to her. She is 26 and the town has already dubbed her a spinster, which is crazy. Adam seems to be the perfect answer to Jules problems.

First, he can get her jerky ex off her back, and second, the town won’t be thinking of her as a spinster if she is dating the town bad boy. I really liked Adam. It took him forever to open up to Jules, and I kind of wish that he had lowered his walls a little sooner, but he is a really great guy. And Jules is awesome. She is just the right amount of quirky, and she overthinks everything. (her and I share that lovely tendency) I love her idea of a cat cafe, even though I don’t love cats a whole lot, but I could get on board with some nice cats.

Bottom line: Foolproof Love is a whole lot of fun. For people, that love revenge books, love a small town gossip mill setting, and love great chemistry between characters, Foolproof Love will be right up your alley. You won’t be thinking of Jules as a spinster, I can promise you that. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.


Foolproof Love by @Katee_Robert is a sexy & fun read! @BookBriefs Review @BrazenBooks @entangledpub Share on X


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About Katee Robert

New York Times & USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Katee Robert learned to tell stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her favorites then were the rather epic adventures of The Three Bears, but at age twelve she discovered romance novels and never looked back.

Her first novel was an epic fantasy that, God willing, will never see the light of day. From there, she dabbled in YA and horror, before finally finding speculative romance. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to write entire books about the smoking-hot relationships between two people?

She now spends her time—when not lost in Far Reach worlds—playing imaginary games with her wee ones, writing, ogling men, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.


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