Pages: 288
Published by Swoon Reads on April 10, 2018
Series: Bound to You #1
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Source: Paperback ARC from Publisher

A teen werewolf finally meets her destined soulmate only to discover that he's not quite what she expected in this steamy debut romance.
She's met her mate . . . and he's met his match.
Megan Ross has been waiting her whole life for her mate to come and sweep her off her feet. But the wolf she meets on the beach is NOT the sweet gentle boy she's been dreaming of. Instead, he's a warrior, one whose suffering has led him to lock his heart away in a prison as cold and hard as a diamond, who fights to resist the bond and their deep sexual attraction.
Far from home, with a soulmate who is still a stranger, Megan learns that the path to true love isn't quite as straight and easy as she thought . . .

Bound to You is a young adult paranormal romance by Alyssa Brandon. Bound to You is the first book in a new series about Werewolves (at least I hope so!). Now, let’s just get this out of the way up front. I have been pretty burnt out on wolves for a while now. I have always enjoyed a good werewolf story, but after seeing countless dozen iterations of the same thing, I got a little bored. So I haven’t really read too many young adult novels featuring werewolves in the past couple of years. Sure, there have been some of my favorite series in the past have been about werewolves, but I have not found any novels in the past 2 or 3 years that have grabbed my attention. In fact, almost all I have read were either DNF or under 3 stars. Until Bound to You. Holy cow, I loved this book. I really loved this book. I read it in one sitting and I stayed up until about 3 am reading Bound to You. On a work night. A work night people! That is unheard of for me. But this book was so flippin’ good, I just had to keep going. It cast a spell over me. And I am so happy to say, it is the best werewolf paranormal romance I have read in years!
I love a story featuring a mate, especially a reluctant mate. It provides for the best kind of slow burn romance. Bound to You is told in dual narrative between Megan and James, with a heavier emphasis on Megan’s point of view. Megan is super excited to have finally found her mate, and James is …less excited. James is a warrior werewolf and he leads a very different life than Megan is used to. Honestly, the whole idea of Warrior werewolves and wraiths was a really welcome, and really interesting addition to the storyline. In fact, it is because of this storyline that I am hoping we get to see more books in this series. I feel like there is still so much more to explore in that aspect of the world. I really enjoyed Alyssa Brandon’s take on the werewolf. She really did a great job fleshing out the community and the customs and the duties, especially of the warrior class.
And then she did a fantastic job incorporating a really swoony romance. The romance is upper YA, maybe even New Adult, so I would be aware of that for younger readers. I loved the romance. The tension between Megan and James was both front and center to the storyline and secondary to other plot aspects when it needed to be, but it was fantastic. It is a big part of what kept me flipping pages late into the night. I cannot recommended this book enough. Whether you are a big fan of werewolf romances or if you are a little over the idea- give Bound to You a try. It is one of my favorite reads of 2018 and hands down the best werewolf paranormal romance I have read in years. I can’t wait for more from author Alyssa Brandon.
Bound to You by @_AlyssaBrandon_ is one of the best werewolf romances @Bookbriefs has read in years. See why in her 5 star #review @SwoonReads Share on X
I’ve definitely been reluctant to read much paranormal in the last few years, but I’ve been seeing really good reviews for this! And the romance sounds like just my kind of thing. 🙂