{Review} Dead Girls Society by @MichelleKrys @RandomHouseKids

December 13, 2016 Reviews, Young Adult 10 ★★★★

{Review} Dead Girls Society by @MichelleKrys @RandomHouseKidsDead Girls Society by Michelle Krys
Pages: 304
Published by Delacorte Press on November 8, 2016
Genres: Young Adult, contemporary, mystery, Suspense/Thriller
Source: Paperback ARC from Publisher

You are cordially invited to participate in a game of thrills and dares. Tell no one, and come alone. If you dare.

Hope is sick of everyone treating her like she’s breakable. Sure, she has cystic fibrosis (basically really bad lungs), but she’s tired of being babied by her mom and her overprotective best friend, Ethan, not to mention worrying about paying for her expensive medication and how she’s going to afford college. And she’s bored with life in her run-down New Orleans suburb.

When an invitation arrives from a mysterious group that calls itself the Society, Hope jumps at the chance for some excitement. This could be her ticket out. All she has to do is complete a few dares and she might win some real money.

But the Society isn’t all it seems . . . and soon Hope finds that playing the game isn’t a choice—it’s a requirement.


YA ReviewMy ThoughtsDead Girls Society is a young adult mystery/thriller from Michelle Krys. I cannot say enough good things about this book. It gave me all the feels, suspicions, and creeps. It is not often that a ookey spooky story with a secret society can also surprise me with its’ twists, turns and big surprises. I love it when I can’t figure out a whodunnit in a book! It doesn’t happen too often, but I am always super excited when it does happen. And it happened in Dead Girls Society, which in and of itself is enough to make me love it.

Dead Girl Society follows a group of girls at a high school. Each of the girls gets a letter inviting them to play a game of dares. The prize promises to be something each of the girls desperately needs. Right away, I loved this take on a secret society. It wasn’t the traditional boarding school setting and it wasn’t the tradition hazing process. It was a single elimination challenge. every couple of days, and each time one girl is forced to leave the game. But those that advance, are rewarded. I loved getting to see why everyone was invited to participate and seeing their own backstory and what it was they were hoping to gain from winning. It was kind of like the Saw movies, but a young adult version with all girls. Mixed with a little bit of Pretty Little Liars, A action.

I really enjoyed Hope. She is very sick (with Cystic Fibrosis) and her mom doesn’t even want her leaving the house. Hope has a lot to prove, not only to others, but also to herself. I liked that the challenges were also about testing her limits and seeing what she can do. But what I loved most about Hope was her inquisitive nature. She really wanted to solve the mystery as to who is behind the letters. She was not ok with having all the other girls bend to the whims of a mystery person. There is also a little bit of romance in Dead Girls Society. I thought it blended in nicely with the storyline, but in no means overpowered the mystery element. The romance was secondary, but I did enjoy it. (and it too was surprising.)

I both loved, and dreaded, seeing what the next dare was going to be. You get to know, and to love, each of the girls, and I hated seeing them faced with their biggest fears, and I really hated seeing anything happen to any of them. The person behind this one was a crazy for sure. I am beyond intrigued to see if there is going to be anything more in this world. I could see this going one of two ways. The ending left it totally open for the possibility of a sequel (a totally fricken awesome one, I might add!) but even with that ending, I can also see this working as a standalone. I hope there is more however because the setting for the next book would be super cool! 😉 If you are like mysteries with a flair for secrecy, dramatics, and really cool twisty turns, Dead Girls Society is a book you will love.

The Saw movies mixed with #PLL @BookBriefs #Reviews Dead Girls Society by @MichelleKrys @RandomHouseKids Click To Tweet

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About Michelle Krys

Hi there! I’m the author of the YA novel HEXED, slated for publication with Delacorte Press/Random House Children’s Books Spring 2014. I’m repped by Adriann Ranta of Wolf Literary Services. Visit me at michellekrys.com or follow @MichelleKrys on Twitter.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

10 Responses to “{Review} Dead Girls Society by @MichelleKrys @RandomHouseKids”

  1. danielle hammelef

    You’ve confirmed that I want to read this book and that I’ll enjoy it with the twists and plot that keeps the reader guessing. The suspense will be both terrifying and delicious.

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOoh nice! This is one I really want to read at some point! I love a good thriller mystery and this one sounds like my kind of read! Glad to hear it was the right kind of chilling and one with an ending that can lead to more or be a good end for a standalone! Cannot wait to try this one! Great review!

  3. Clarisa

    I might consider buying the kindle edition or just get it at the library but I did really want to buy it with that nice cover but now I really want it. Thanks!

  4. Megan Coppadge

    I’m so happy that every review that I’ve read so far about this book has been positive! Makes me want to really read it all the more since I only really follow reviewers who have similar tastes to mine. Haha.

  5. Penny Olson

    Thanks for the review. I’ve had my eye on this one and I like the cover. It’s good to know it’s a good read.

  6. Olivia Roach

    Ooh, I really like the premise of this book and it sounds like the kind of creepy I would enjoy! The secret society, and every girl needing something so they are really all motivated to play the game of dares has me so intrigued. I think this might be something that I will pick up to read in the future!

  7. Autumn

    I really like when ya covers Secret societies. I feel like it doesn’t happen enough. Plus the cover is gorgeous.

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