{ARC Review+Giveaway} Bryce by Natalie Decker @AuthorNatDecker @SwoonRomance

February 22, 2016 Blog Tours, Giveaways, New Adult, Reviews 17 ★★★½

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Bryce by Natalie Decker @AuthorNatDecker @SwoonRomance

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Bryce by Natalie Decker @AuthorNatDecker @SwoonRomanceBryce by Natalie Decker
Published by Swoon Romance on February 23, 2016
Series: Scandalous Boys #1
Genres: New Adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Publisher

Bryce Matthews doesn’t do the whole nice boyfriend thing.

Chocolates and flowers—girls can forget all that. And he certainly doesn’t care about the gossip and rumors that follow him at school and around town. If anything, the talk amuses him. Bryce isn't lacking in confidence. He knows himself and he knows his limits. One of those hard limits is Madison Issac. Bryce can never have her, and he's perfectly fine with that. Sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality anyway.

Madison Issac thought she was a pretty good judge of character. But she's surprised at how gentle and comforting resident bad-boy and next-door neighbor Bryce Matthews is when we finds her crying in the park.

Maybe there's more to Bryce than people think? So Madison begins to wonder.

Can a guy like Bryce ever change his ways?
Can a girl like Madison really be into a guy like Bryce?
With hearts and reputations on the line, this kind of love can be scandalous.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
NA ReviewMy Thoughts

Bryce is the first book in the new adult, Scandalous Boys series by Natalie Decker. This is the first book that I have read by Natalie and I really enjoyed it. I loved contemporary romance books and I always enjoy a good, opposites attract story so this was right up my alley. Although I will say, that if you are feeling a bit burned out on new adult contemporary romances at the moment, I might give this one a pass . I really liked it, but I can see that it is much like a lot of the books in the genre. That doesn’t get old for me, but I do acknowledge that it might for some people. So if that is you, wait and see what the next book in the series is like before you pick this one up.

Bryce is told in dual narrative between Bryce and Madison. They start the book out hating each other. Madison is Bryce’s neighbor and she is always hanging around…because she has a crush on his best friend, Graham….who only seems to put up with Madison because she lets them copy his homework. This kind of irked me. I hate to see people get blatantly used like that, but luckily Bryce isn’t the one using Madison, so it was easy for me to see past this pet peeve of mine. Bryce and Madison really start to bond when Madison’s awful cousin comes into town and ends up staying with her family. I really loved to hate that girl. And she has no problem sweeping in and taking Graham from Madison, even though she doesn’t really like him. (that is the kind of person she is.)

I enjoyed watching Bryce and Madison spend more time together because the change in Bryce was subtle but almost immediate. Madison and Bryce made each other better people. It was as simple as that. And that right there was my favorite aspect of the story. Bryce is a quick, feel good read about a couple that you want to root for, because each of them are better off when they are with the other.

Bottom line: Bryce is a fun story that will put a smile on your face. It is not the most original new adult contemporary ever written, but it is well done and it will make you feel good. And that is really all I am asking for in this genre of books.


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About Natalie Decker

Natalie Decker is the Author of Rival Love series. She loves oceans, sunsets, sand between her toes, and carefree days. Her imagination is always going, which some find odd. But she believes in seeing the world in a different light at all times. Her first passion for writing started at age twelve when she had to write a poem for English class. However, seventh grade wasn’t her favorite time and books were her source of comfort. She took all college prep classes in High school, and attended the University of Akron. Although she studied Mathematics she never lost her passion for writing or her comfort in books. She’s a mean cook in the kitchen, loves her family and friends and her awesome dog infinity times infinity. If she’s not writing, reading, traveling, hanging out with her family and friends, then she’s off having an adventure. Because Natalie believes in a saying: Your life is your own journey, so make it amazing!

Michelle @ Book Briefs

17 Responses to “{ARC Review+Giveaway} Bryce by Natalie Decker @AuthorNatDecker @SwoonRomance”

  1. LilyElement

    It’s been awhile since I’ve read a NA book! I like books that start out with dislike then they slowly get to know one another better and enjoy each other 😀

  2. Victoria

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, sounds like a book I’ll enjoy. I’m looking forward to checking this one out 🙂

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