{ARC Review} His Work of Art by Shannyn Schroeder #klovers @KensingtonBooks @SSchroeder_

October 22, 2015 New Adult, Reviews 3 ★★★½

{ARC Review} His Work of Art by Shannyn Schroeder #klovers @KensingtonBooks @SSchroeder_His Work Of Art by Shannyn Schroeder
Pages: 118
Published by Lyrical Press on October 27, 2015
Series: Hot and Nerdy #4
Genres: New Adult, Romance, contemporary
Source: eARC from Publisher

Reese Carter is definitely not your average college girl. She'd prefer to spend Saturday nights playing Hero's Crusade than attending a wild frat party on campus. When she bands together with Adam, fellow comic enthusiast and illustrator, it appears that Reese has formed a dream team sure to propel her writing into the comic hall of fame.

Adam Hayes has never met a girl like Reese. She's sassy, smart, and loves talking comics, although he can't see why she'd choose DC over Marvel. He's thrilled to finally put his artistic chops to use in their upcoming comic project. But. this relationship is strictly professional. Or so he tells himself. When the two combine forces, they churn out magic in more ways than they had planned; they never expected to develop a steamy romantic sub-plot of their own...

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
NA Review My Thoughts

If you guys remember from my 3 reviews of the original Hot & Nerdy trilogy by Shannyn Schroeder, you know that I really enjoyed the was a series formula. First, I love that the books are told in dual narrative between each of the main guys and girls and I think you all know by now that is my favorite story telling narrative method. and Second, the trilogy follows a group of three friends. The books are each of their stories, BUT the cool part is that each of the books take place in roughly the same time period. So there will be a bit of overlap in each of the stories, but from a different characters perspective. What a cool concept right? I loved reading them all and seeing how they each fit together. The first three books in the Hot & Nerdy trilogy followed a group of girls. Well, Shannyn has decided to do another three books with the same series concept, but this time following a whole new set of friends- this time guys!

I love it. Up first is Adam. Adam works in his mom’s comic book store. and in comes Reese, a college student that is in love with Batgirl. I really liked that Adam and Reese thought they were a forbidden couple for two reasons- One I will touch on later, but second the cute reason was that one of them loved DC comics and the other one loved Marvel. HA! Too cute. Reese is writing a comic for one of her college classes and she has scoped out Adam to be the comics artist. It also didn’t hurt that she had a pretty big crush on him. I liked that Reese was the one trying to pursue a relationship.

The other issue that comes up in the book, and the one why Adam was so reluctant to date Reese is that He is part black and she is white. I know a few of people have criticized this and think that it is an annoying or lame relationship conflict to have, but I think that Adam felt like it was a valid concern in his head because of things he has gone through in his life. From his perspective it was a true conflict- and whether that is right or is wrong was for him to work out. That was part of his backstory and his journey. I think Adam and Reese’s conflict is just as valid as any number of other roadblocks they could face. Now did I always agree with Adam? No. Did I think he was being stubborn or pig headed at times? Yes, but he is certainly not the first character that has made me think something similar- no matter what the subject of their “conflict” is. (ok rant over.)

I am really excited that the Hot and Nerdy trilogy is going to see another set of three books featuring a group of guy friends. Adam’s roommates are up next, and I can’t wait to check out their story. His Work of Art will have you nerding out over this cute romance.

Hot & Nerdy Trilogy
22370999 23000375 23006814
Her Best Shot #1
Her Perfect Game #2
Her Winning Formula #3

{ARC Review} His Work of Art by Shannyn Schroeder #klovers @KensingtonBooks @SSchroeder_ @BookBriefs Click To Tweet


About Shannyn Schroeder

Shannyn is a former English teacher, who now works as a part-time editor while raising her three kids.

Even though she wrote from high school through college (mostly poetry), she’d never considered a career as an author. Writing fell by the wayside as she focused her energy on creating lesson plans and new and fabulous ways to torment her teen students. One group in particular dubbed her “The Torture Master,” a title she carried into motherhood.

She is recovering from her Diet Coke addiction, fears putting her foot in her mouth on social media, and has a renewed appreciation for the bad girls of the world.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

3 Responses to “{ARC Review} His Work of Art by Shannyn Schroeder #klovers @KensingtonBooks @SSchroeder_”

  1. kindlemom1

    So happy for you that one of your favs is getting another set of books and most importantly, that the first one is already a good start.

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