{ARC Review+Giveaway} Charlie Presumed Dead by @AnneHeltzel @RockstarBkTours @HMHKids

Posted May 28, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult / 16 Comments

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Charlie Presumed Dead by @AnneHeltzel @RockstarBkTours @HMHKids

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Charlie Presumed Dead by @AnneHeltzel @RockstarBkTours @HMHKidsCharlie, Presumed Dead by Anne Heltzel
Pages: 272
Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on June 2, 2015
Genres: Action & Adventure, Friendship, Love & Romance, Mysteries & Detective Stories, Suspense/Thriller, Young Adult
Source: Paperback ARC from Publisher

In Paris, family and friends gather to mourn the tragic passing of Charlie Price—young, handsome, charming, a world-traveler—who is presumed dead after an explosion. Authorities find only a bloodied jacket, ID’d as Charlie’s. At the funeral, two teens who are perfect strangers, Lena Whitney and Aubrey Boroughs, make another shocking discovery: they have both been dating Charlie, both think Charlie loved them and them alone, and there is a lot they didn’t know about their boyfriend. Over the next week, a mind-bending trip unfolds: first in London—then in Mumbai, Kerala, and Bangkok, the girls go in search of Charlie. Is he still alive? What did their love for him even mean? The truth is out there, but soon it becomes clear that the girls are harboring secrets of their own.

No one knows whom to trust in this thrilling tale of suspense and deception.


YA Review

My Thoughts

Charlie Presumed Dead is a young adult suspense thriller that will have you jet-setting all over the world just to find out if Charlie is really dead or not. The book starts out with Charlie’s funeral, where there are two girls who both think they are Charlie’s girlfriend. Serious girlfriend, at that. Neither one knew about the other, and as soon as they become aware of the other one, they find themselves confused by the other person’s Charlie. That was actually the aspect of Charlie that intrigued me the most. Sure he was a cheating jerk. That is obvious from the book summary, but Lena’s Charlie loved Olives and Aubrey’s Charlie Hated them with a passion. As soon as I read that, I knew this was going to be more than just a morbid scavenger hunt. There are so many layers to Charlie Presumed Dead. It is one hell of a ride.

The book is told through the points of view of Lena and Aubrey mostly, with a couple of scatterings of Charlie and memories thrown in for good measure. I know that may seen like a lot to keep track of, but it really isn’t. Lena and Aubrey are on this crazy adventure together so their switching chapters just continue on the story. It moves really fluidly. I liked Lena and Aubrey. It was hard for me to figure out which one I liked more and which one I felt worse for. I liked them both pretty equally. And this book is just as much about them as it is about finding Charlie. Because everyone has their own secrets to unravel and reveal throughout the journey. And some of the secrets are real doozies.

The mystery aspect of the plot was really well done. I had no idea which way this book was going to turn out, and I couldn’t have predicted the ending at all. It really shocked me. There was one point in the book about 3/4th of the way through where there was a pretty big reveal and I thought, ‘ok, now what? Mystery solved, what else could possible happen?’ HAHA, oh man, was I wrong. The book took a turn for the even crazier at that point and the ending was nuts! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I couldn’t read the pages fast enough. This is one book that you really have to experience for yourself. It is pretty cool. It will take you on a real mind bend. I want to crawl inside Anne Heltzel’s head and just stay there awhile, because I have no idea where she gets some of this crazy from. I loved Charlie Presumed Dead, and I think anyone that enjoys mystery, suspense, and a good mind F will too!


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About Anne Heltzel

ANNE HELTZEL is a Brooklyn-based author and editor of children’s books. Anne was born in Ohio, has been a voracious reader since the age of three, and credits her careers in publishing and writing (both lifelong dreams–just ask to see her childhood journal) to a serendipitous coffee shop conversation during her senior year of college. Anne was on a law school track until the aforementioned fateful conversation prompted her to switch gears and move to New York City, where she entered an M.F.A. program. In 2007 she began her first job in publishing. In 2008 she graduated from The New School with a master’s degree in Writing for Children. Anne has since lived in India and Paris, and has taught writing and reading workshops in each of her former homes. More recently, she participated as a mentor in NYC’s Girls Write Now program. When she is not writing, Anne is furiously (and passionately) editing novels for a Manhattan publishing house. She is represented by Stephen Barbara at InkWell Management. Anne also writes under the pseudonym Anna Collomore.

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16 responses to “{ARC Review+Giveaway} Charlie Presumed Dead by @AnneHeltzel @RockstarBkTours @HMHKids

  1. This sounds like a fun read and I am always up for a good YA mystery/thriller simply because there just aren’t enough of them in the genre.

  2. Cindy

    OMG, that cover is just GORGEOUS!!! It’s honestly one of the best covers I’ve ever seen, period. LOVE IT!!! <3 <3 <3 🙂 The synopsis and title are amazing too! Can't wait to read.

  3. Alisha Sienkiel

    This book definitely sounds interesting and I love the cover! Thanks for the chance to win!

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