{Review} Fated by @DonnAugustine

Posted April 23, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Adult, Reviews / 4 Comments

{Review} Fated by @DonnAugustineFated by Donna Augustine
Pages: 331
Published by Strong Hold Publishing, LLC on April 9, 2015
Genres: adult, Dark Fantasy, Love & Romance, Urban Fantasy
Source: ecopy from Author

Settling the cosmic score is what Karma was drafted by the Universe to do. But what happens when all the humans start going to the dark side? She’s got to find the source and the most likely suspect is her long time rival, who outclasses her in both power and resources.

Luckily, she’s got a new partner, Fate, but he comes with his own set of complications. The confirmed bachelor has a target of his own.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

My Thoughts

If you guys remember my review of Karma and Jinxed last year, you will know that the series is one of my very favorite Urban Fantasy series. Ever. Fated is no different. It is an excellent continuation of the series, and the action and plot of the novel really picks up steam in Fated. It was pretty much non-stop action right from the start. Jinxed leaves the reader off with the bad guy running around and an epic war is starting. And I am here to tell you that it is a very fast paced and epic war. It looks pretty bleak for humankind, and for Karma.

But luckily, Karma had Fate. I still stand by my comment from my second review that “Fate does funny things to my heart. I just love him. I love how gruff he is and most of all, I love how determined he is to be there for Karma. It is so strange because he is not the romantic, sweet, or cuddly type at all. He doesn’t even really have a marshmallow center, but he has this quiet sweetness about him. You know he cares. And I can’t get enough of him. He makes my list of favorite book boyfriends.” All of that is true and then some! This book, Fate just seemed to flip a switch. He just will not leave her side. I really liked this side of Fate. And when Karma comes to her big realization and falls back on the couch, I had to laugh out loud. She is just too funny. Anyways, I think the vision that Fate had at the end of the last book really shook him up. The blend of action and romance is so well done. I don’t think I have ever experienced anything like it. Donna Augustine does such an excellent job of making both the war/fight and the romance share the spotlight equally.

I loved the way Fated ended for Karma and Fate. We got to learn more about Fate himself and we got a nice little wrap up for them. I am sad to see their story end, but I am hopeful that we will see more of them. (the more the better actually.) There will be at least one more book in the Karma series, but it will be Lars’ story. But there has to be some Fate in there, right? I’m keeping my fingers crossed because I don’t want to leave them yet. I would be happy with 10 more books about them.

The Karma series is one of my favorite Urban Fantasies, possibly top of my list. I love how unique Donna Augustine’s take on the universe is. And I really liked that some new players came into the picture in this story, and we finally got some good answers on just who, or what, is in charge. And the sizzle between Fate and Karma is out of this world. Everyone needs to read this series. And I do mean everyone.

blue5Other books in the Karma Series:

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Looking for an amazing #UrbanFantasy series? @BookBriefs gives the Karma Series @DonnAugustine 5 HUGE stars across the board! #CheckitOut Share on X
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About Donna Augustine

Donna Augustine’s lifelong ambition was to become the crazy cat lady. Unfortunately, when family allergies cut short her dream of living in a house full of furries, she turned her ambitions toward writing. Combining her love of fantasy, scifi, horror and romance, she tries to string together interesting twists on urban fantasy.

A native of New Jersey, when she isn’t writing, or overdosing on caffeine, she can occasionally be spotted in disguise at the local dog park.


4 responses to “{Review} Fated by @DonnAugustine

  1. The synopsis sounds good, and the words non-stop action, plus fast-paced are great ways to get my interest piqued. Consider it piqued! Thank you for the review!

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