{Excerpt+Giveaway} Tattered Altered Love by K.D. Ferguson @kristend732

Posted May 9, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in excerpt, Giveaways / 1 Comment

Tattered Altered Love

by K.D. Ferguson

Release Date: 05/2015
Book Summary:
What if you had the chance to change the future, would you take it regardless of the
cost? Could you find the strength to overthrow a corrupt government that filled
your life, and the lives of countless others, with lies and sadness? 
Krissa Channing seemed to be a Headquarters prodigy, on track for a successful
pairing and a lifetime of living by government standards. But her destiny was
far more than that which was mapped out for her. Upon the discovery of an
underground revolution, Krissa is thrown into a world she never knew existed.
The devastating losses she has endured have placed her in the position to help
lead the movement. 
The glittering future offered by the takeover seems to be bright, but how much
of the life she once knew is Krissa willing to sacrifice?
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“I never wanted any of this. I always thought I’d be a
Headquarters girl. I knew we were
controlled and given limited choices, but it made sense to
me. I accepted the house, the car, and
the limited television, movie and music choices. I eve
n accepted the inadequate information
regarding our country’s history. And then, in such a shor
t time, Braiden changed
everything. Everything I knew about love, life and myself
. I never expected to be here in the
position that I was, but I accepted it. I just wish tha
t he was by my side. And if I couldn’t’ have
him along side of me, at the very least I wish he were
still alive.”

Books in this series:

Links for Torn True Love:
Links for Tore Divided Love:
About the Author

I have recently released my first book, Torn-True Love, published by Rebel Ink Press. I am thrilled to be a part of the family!

Author Links:

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