{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of June 30- July 5

Posted July 6, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in In my mailbox, stacking the shelves, Sunday Post, weekly recap / 23 Comments

Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and

Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Hey guys! How has your week been?
Mine has been HECTIC! I have been so busy. I haven’t had much time to do much more online than get my reviews up. I am so behind in my commenting and blog visiting, and it makes me sad. I will be trying to make some of the rounds later today, and hopefully I will be better this week.
I have just been dead tired in the mornings and at night. Between work, looking for a new job, looking for apartments, reading, and random things that keep popping up, I have been pulled in a million different directions and I just want to catch my breath.
The 4th of july weekend has been nice because I have been able to just slow down and relax for a few days. It is back to the grind tomorrow, but this weekend has been nice. I am holding on to that. haha
In good news, it has been a truly EPIC week in books. I had two awesome prize packs that I won come in the mail, plus lots of awesome books for review and amazon freebies!

Books I got this week:

*Thank you so much to Carina Press, NetGalley,  and all of the authors for these awesome books! *
(Click on the book covers to go to the book goodreads/amazon page)


eARC from Author
eARC from Author
eARC from Publisher
eARC from Author
ecopy from Author
eARC from Author


This week I got some awesome winnings in the mail! It was super exciting. Thank you so much to the publishers, authors, and bloggers who hosted these giveaways.

blueboughtAre you guys ready? I found some awesome FREE kindle books this week.

As always, you can follow me on Twitter (@BookBriefs) so you never miss the books when they are free.
I tweet out FREE YA, NA and Adult books at least 2 times a week.

**Be sure to check prices before buying
(Covers go to amazon page)**

Weekly Recap

This week on the blog I brought you:
I had some really great giveaways and ARC reviews this week. Check them out 🙂
Next Week on the Blog:
*Note: These are not final. Some posts may change*
{ARC Review} The Sound by Sarah Andelson
{Review+Giveaway} Enchanted Heart by Mindy Ruiz
{Giveaway} Just couldn’t put it down hop!
{Blitz+Giveaway} Goodness of Fit by Missy Marchetta
{Review} Happy to be Alive, Because
Waiting on Wednesday
{Review} The Oysters Autobiography
{Review} Shaken, Not Stirred by Alyssa Rose Ivy
{Review} On the Rocks by Alyssa Rose Ivy
{Guest Post} Lost in Starlight by Sherry Soule
{Review} Divide by Jenna Russo
{Review} Deaths Academy
{Review} Persephone’s Orchard




Host: Michelle @ Because Reading & Berls @ Fantasy is more fun
My Summary Post
Progress: 64/60 (107%)
21 June, 2014 — 6 September, 2014

  1. Perfect Kind of Trouble by Chelsea Fine
  2. Life in a Rut, Love Not Included by J.D. Hollyfield
  3. Star Struck by Laurelin Paige
  4. The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom
  5. Hungry by H.A. Swain
  6. By Jove by Marissa Doyle
  7. Going Down in Flames by Chris Cannon
  8. The Line That Binds by J.M. Miller
  9. The Blonde by Anna Godbersen
  10. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
  11. On the Fence by Kasie West
  12. Enchanted Heart by Mindy Ruiz
  13. The Sound by Sarah Alderson
  14. The Oyster's Autobiography by Kitty Kilby
  15. Carnelian by B. Kristin McMichael
  16. Shaken Not Stirred by Alyssa Rose Ivy
  17. Divide by Jessa Russo
  18. On The Rocks by Alyssa Rose Ivy
  19. Stupid Girl by Cindy Miles
  20. Persephone's Orchard by Molly Ringle
  21. Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore
  22. This Summer by Katlyn Duncan
  23. The Reality of You by Jean Haus
  24. Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally
  25. A Beautiful Thought by Alicia Rae
  26. Meeting His Match by Katee Robert
  27. Everything's Fine by Janci Patterson
  28. The Best Laid Plans by Tamara Mataya
  29. Fiancée for Hire by Tawna Fenske
  30. On the Floor by Jennifer LaCross
  31. Demons of Desire by Debra Dunbar
  32. Homeroom Diaries by James Patterson, Lisa Papademetriou
  33. Phantom's Dance by Lesa Howard
  34. The Hazards of Sex on the Beach by Alyssa Rose Ivy
  35. Normal is the Watchword by Jasmine Tru
  36. Death's Academy by Michael Bast
  37. Virgin by Radhika Sanghani
  38. One Smart Cookie by Kym Brunner
  39. Game Changer by Collette West
  40. Where You Are by Alla Kar
  41. Tortured Souls by Kimber Leigh Wheaton
  42. Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre
  43. Found in Us by Layla Hagen
  44. Through the Woods by Emily Carroll
  45. My Soon-To-Be Sex Life by Judith Tewes
  46. The Sting of Summer by Katherine Over
  47. Amity by Micol Ostow
  48. Sugar on the Edge by Sawyer Bennett
  49. The Cinderella Theorem by Kristee Ravan
  50. Indiscretion by Elisabeth Grace
  51. Crossing the Ice by Jennifer Comeaux
  52. Coral & Bone by Tiffany Daune
  53. The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter
  54. Summers Temptation by Ashley Lynn Willis
  55. Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini
  56. Fly by T.A. Foster
  57. I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre
  58. Throttle Me by Chelle Bliss
  59. The Jewel by Amy Ewing
  60. House Immortal by Devon Monk
  61. Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White
  62. Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen
Be sure to enter my giveaways going on right now:
Leave me links to your Sunday posts/stacking the shelves in the comments and I will check them out 🙂

If you enjoyed this post, please Subscribe to Book Briefs in a reader


23 responses to “{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of June 30- July 5

  1. Congrats again on the Tote Bag, I hope it’s super cute in Real Life 🙂

    I think everyone is having problems stopping by blogs lately, I have been trying to set aside time to do that just can’t seem to catch up. Sometimes I read blogs but don’t comment. I think we will figure it out soon…I hope Lol

    You are doing great with COYER! I am hoping to really pick up the pace in the next couple of days since I am trying to get ahead on all my posts.

    Have a great week Michelle and Happy Reading!!!

  2. I’m trying (TRYING!) not to download so many free ebooks because I never seem to get around to reading them. Some of the ones you linked look good, though, so I guess I’ll be going to see if they’re still free.

  3. Sounds like you are very busy, glad you got a little break with the holiday weekend. You seem to be doing well with COYER, I fell a little behind this week but hope to catch up soon. 🙂 Looks like a pretty awesome haul of books…

  4. I’m reading This Summer right now, and it’s pretty cute. I totally fell in love with the summery cover. 🙂 Lots of great books this week!! I hope you enjoy! I’m excited to read your Alyssa Rose Ivy reviews. I read one book by her, and really enjoyed it. I’m eager to read more! 🙂

    • Yea, I really like all of Alyssa’s books. I think I have read 7 by her now. She is consistently good 🙂 I have shaken not stirred and on the roaks reviews by her coming up this week 🙂

  5. Despite the busy week, looks like you still got out a lot of posts! Yay for prizes all showing up in the mail! Awesome book haul this week. I can’t wait to read Kiss of Deception, glad to hear you loved it! Have an awesome week (:

  6. The Soul of the Witch’s cover is sooo gorgeous! 😀
    I’m definitely checking out the Kindle freebies but I think the links are broken, I tried clicking on the “Aftermath” cover but it lead to the Ephemeral link.
    my sunday post: http://wp.me/p3v5T1-t5

  7. Woah, that really is a lot!! I don’t know that I’m familiar with any of the books you got, but I see a few I need to look into. 🙂 Glad to hear you got to rest this weekend, and I hope this week is better for you!

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