Pages: 202
Published by Garden Ninja Books on June 30, 2014
Genres: contemporary, Young Adult
Source: eARC from Author

Kira thought she knew everything about her best friend, Haylee. But when Haylee commits suicide immediately after her first date with her longtime crush, Bradley Johansen, Kira is left with nothing but questions, and a gaping hole in her life where Haylee used to be.
Kira is sure that the answers to her questions must be written in Haylee’s journal, but she’s not the only one searching for it. The more Kira learns about Haylee’s past, the more certain she is that other people grieving for Haylee are keeping secrets—especially Bradley, and Haylee’s attractive older cousin Nick. Kira is desperate to get to Haylee’s journal before anyone else finds it—to discover the truth about what happened to Haylee—
And to hide the things that Haylee wrote down about her.

Everything’s Fine is a really powerful read. You know those books that reach through your chest and rattle you? They just shake up all your insides and make you feel. Not always pleasant feelings, but definitely powerful feelings. Everything’s Fine is told both in the present as well as through a series of flashbacks. It it about the best friend of a girl that killed herself. You really get a full picture of how her decision affected a ton of people around her.
What I loved about Everything’s Fine is that it was just as much about Kira as it was about her friend Haylee that killed herself. Kira throws around the “F” word a lot, trying to reassure herself, and everyone else, that things were in fact fine. I have no idea how anyone could possibly believe her though. My heart went out to Kira. To be left in the aftermath of what her friend did, with no answers had to be one of the hardest things for anyone to go through. Kira spends a lot of the book looking for Haylee’s journal because she is scared about what Haylee wrote about her. I was so freakin’ curious about what was written in this journal. And I was really surprised when I finally found out. Janci Patterson will make your jaw drop more than once. I kept finding myself saying, “holy cow!” I can’t believe that just happened.
Everything’s Fine is like getting a glimpse into the dirty laundry in people’s lives, and you cannot stop reading. Haylee’s family is full of secrets. But this book is not all gloom and doom, there is also a really sweet silver lining for Kira. In the form of Nick. I’m not going to say whether he is a romantic interest or just a friend, but he was Haylee’s cousin and I loved how there he was for Kira. It was super sweet, and I found myself looking forward to their scenes together.
Everything’s Fine is a powerful book about loss, about how to deal with the aftermath and about getting some answers. I loved it. I felt for Kira so much, so I was happy that so much of the book dealt with her, and her trying to actually be “fine”. But there parts with Haylee were fascinating as well. I don’t want to say that her parts were happy, but it was satisfying to find out some answers about her. She is such a sad, depressed girl, so the answers were not always cheery, but they did offer some kind of closure. This book broke my heart multiple times. It is so hauntingly beautiful. I am so thoroughly impressed with Janci Patterson and her writing and ability to tell such an emotional story. Must read more books by her now!
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Your’s is the second good review I have seen for this one so I really think I want to read it. Thanks for the warning about the over use of the “f” word, I never love that, especially in YA but if I am prepared for it then I can deal with it better.
I think the F-word here is “fine.” Not the profanity.
Thanks for putting this book on my radar! I got chills just reading the synopsis – I had a good friend commit suicide and I’ve had a friend, my brother, and my mom attempt suicide in the past. So I get the raw emotions that this book (if it’s as good as you say) will make me feel – but I think it sounds fantastic. You’re review has me sold, adding to my must read list now. I also think this sends an important reminder to people that committing suicide is so incredibly selfish – I think realizing how it will impact they loved helped my mom, brother, and friend move forward. Great review Michelle 🙂
[…] The most recent first: Michelle over at Book Briefs wrote a stellar review of Everything’s Fine. Squee! One of my favorite things about releasing a book is getting to hear what other people think about it. Check out what she has to say. […]
I haven’t see this one before, but it sounds wonderful and intense. I love when there’s a mystery and journal involved too. Thanks for sharing and putting this on my radar, Michelle 🙂
That cover is epic and the review makes me need to get my hands on this book now!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
The book sounds really good, and I love that it has some mystery in it. I really like the cover. Thanks for having the giveaway.
Yes emotions this book would make a good read.
Ever since I saw this cover on your blog, I’ve been intrigued. This book sounds really amazing – I love books that surprise me!
[…] Jul:{Review+Giveaway} Everything’s Fine by Janci Patterson @jancipatterson […]
This book looks like it’s a heavy hitter. I love how you didn’t divulge too much about the book in your review. I’m adding it to my tbr lists now!
You say it is a book that makes you feel; those are the books that stay with you long after gone onto the next one 🙂 Your review shows Kira is a character I need to experience! Thanks for the review and giveaway!