{Review+Giveaway} The Reality of You by @JeanHaus

Posted July 17, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, New Adult, Reviews / 5 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} The Reality of You by @JeanHaus

{Review+Giveaway} The Reality of You by @JeanHausThe Reality of You by Jean Haus
Pages: 303
Published by Createspace Independent Pub on June 26, 2014
Genres: contemporary, Humor, Love & Romance, New Adult, Romance, Romantic Comedy
Source: eARC from Author

Naomi Porter used to be witty, fun, and outgoing, but she has scratched outgoing off the list. She has a mediocre tech job in fabulous New York, a large smut book collection, and awesome friends, both tangible and in an online gaming community. She just doesn’t date. A future filled with cats and housedresses beats having her heart broken again. 

But Naomi still likes men, even kind of stalks—mostly fantasizes about—a gorgeous one at work during lunch. 

Her best friend, Kara, is determined that Naomi will be outgoing again. When Kara finds out who, as in a notorious playboy, Naomi is stalking at lunch, she plans to break Naomi of her lunchtime habit and bring her back into the real world. It’s just going to take a bit of deception. 

Between all the deceiving, fangirling, and bumbling, Naomi might not be able to resist the temptation of turning her seven-month fantasy into reality. And really, so what if he’s a playboy or a demanding jerk? Her fantasies don’t include love or even like, just a bed or a couch or the back seat of a limo… 

Reality might be just what she needs. 

*A sexy romantic comedy*

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

NA Review My Thoughts The Reality of You was a fresh, fun and just all around great new adult contemporary romance. It is told in dual narrative between Naomi and Reese. I really loved the unique setup. Geeky ex-soccer star hasn’t dated anyone since her jerk of an ex broke it off years ago. The one bright spot in her day is stalking watching this hot guy come back from lunch every day at her office. Her roommate wants to get her out of her funk and over her little crush, so she arranges Naomi to be his temp for a week when he is scouting a hotel in Puerto Rico. Tons of hi-jinks ensue, and their adventure is off. Just pure romantic comedy fun. I mean it, this book is seriously funny.

It took me a while to warm up to Naomi. I was slightly worried that she just wouldn’t be a character that I particularly cared for. She just seemed whiny and ditzy for a good amount of the beginning of the book. I was worried that she was just going to be an airhead, but I was pleasantly surprised when she found her voice around Reese. Turns out, he just makes her seriously nervous and uncoordinated. It was kind of adorable looking back. (only after I knew what she was really like though. haha) Once I warmed up to her, I was her biggest fan. It was around the time that I saw her play soccer, and tell Reese off. I wanted to high five her!

Reese is a complicated guy too. At first he comes off as an arrogant pretentious snob. And he does have a bit of pretension in him, but he is so much more than that. Watching them open up to each other was my favorite part of the book. I feel like they each went into this with different expectations and Reese really surprised me. But watching them open up and show the other their true self made me swoon inside, and made me feel a deeper connection to the two of them.

The Reality of You is a great book. I loved the storyline. I loved the romance, and even though I had a little speedbump in the start, I loved both of the main characters. Naomi kind of brought Reese back down to earth. It was so funny how she teased him for his “prep school talk”. She sucked the pretentious out of him little by little. If you are looking for a romance that is both hot and sweet, as well as funny, The Reality of You is the book for you. It is a read that you will easily be able to lose yourself in for a few afternoons. blue4


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About Jean Haus

When Jean Haus isn’t writing, she’s usually reading. Anything from young adult to historical fiction as long as there’s at least a bit of romance, she’ll load it on her kindle. She also loves to cook. And someday she will create the world’s best potsticker.

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