{Review+Giveaway} Heir of Lies by Mallory McCartney @MalMcCartney

January 15, 2020 Blog Tours, Giveaways, New Adult, Reviews 5 ★★★½

{Review+Giveaway} Heir of Lies by Mallory McCartney @MalMcCartney

{Review+Giveaway} Heir of Lies by Mallory McCartney @MalMcCartneyHeir of Lies by Mallory McCartney
Pages: 200
Published by Clean Reads Publishing on April 21, 2020
Series: Black Dawn #1
Genres: New Adult, Fantasy & Magic, Romance
Source: Paperback from Author

“Hope was a dangerous thing. It could consume every dream and make them take flight, becoming wild daydreams in one’s heart and mind. Or hope could incinerate everything you thought you knew, burning you down to your core, leaving you raw and exposed for the world.”

Emory Fae has only known one thing—life at The Academy, a school for those who have special abilities. Following in her parents’ footsteps, the pressure to uphold their dream falls on her and one of her best friends—Adair Stratton. An outcast and feared by most, Adair longs to break away from the expectations dictating his future. With whispers of dark magic spreading across Kiero, Adair starts to doubt The Academy is all it seems.

An unexpected visit ignites new tensions as the roguish king from across the Black Sea, Tadeas Maher of the Shattered Isles, and his heir, Marquis Maher, sail to Kiero. Notorious for their pirating and wrath, for the first time in years, they demand the Faes listen to their proposition for a new treaty. Caught in the middle of politics, Adair and Emory, with the help of their best friends Brokk and Memphis, search for the one thing that matters the most—the truth.

Their world is tipped upside down as unlikely alliances are made, and war ravages Kiero. Through the throes of betrayal, lies, hidden magic, and love, Adair is faced with a life changing decision. Will he fight or bow to the darkness within?
But, Adair’s decision will change the course of Kiero forever, setting in motion irreversible destinies for everyone at The Academy as Emory Fae rises as heir.

Heir of Lies is the first book in the bestselling Black Dawn series.

The Black Dawn series is re- releasing and “Heir of Lies” (book one) is coming April 21 2020! This edition will have an exclusive map and bonus content!

Also in this series: Black Dawn
My Thoughts

Heir of Lies  is the first book in a new adult fantasy Black Dawn series by Mallory McCartney. I have classified this book as new adult because the character are in their 20s, but the content is very clean so I can very easily see this also appealing to younger readers and lovers of young adult fantasies.The Black Dawn series is re- releasing and “Heir of Lies” (book one) is coming April 21 2020! This edition will have an exclusive map and bonus content! I first read this book in 2017 when it was first released, and I enjoyed it. I did a re-read with this new edition, cover and name, and I have to say I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. Heir of Lies is a really cool story, and is the set up for what looks like it is going to be an awesome series. I really enjoyed book one, but because there was a lot of world building and background setting, I did have some bumps along the road. However, Heir of Lies is a story that just kept getting better and better as it went along. And I think I am going to love book two even more than I did book one. Can I please have book two now Mallory??

Heir of Lies starts off in multiple perspectives, rapid fire three different people in the first three chapters and throughout the book we get to see even more perspectives, with random chapters thrown in from Nyx and Adair. Because we started out with three chapters from three different characters perspectives, I was a bit jumbled at the beginning of the book. However, after the very quick start the book falls into a pattern of multiple chapters from the main woman’s point of view.Most of the book is told from our main character, Emory’s point of view.  I liked this more because I was able to better get to know Emory. I really liked Emory, but I felt awful for her, to be dumped in this world that is in turmoil, with her memories all mixed up must have been really hard. But she didn’t waste any time jumping in.

The world in Heir of Lies was really interesting. The crazy, and very violent King, Adair was a great villain character. And I loved how multifaceted the group of main characters were. There are lots of shades of grey with each of them, and I loved that most of all. Throughout the story, especially towards the end, I found myself wishing the book would slow down from its very rapid pace because I wanted more of the story. I wish this book was about 100 pages longer because I didn’t want it to end. I really am hoping that the second book is closer to 300 pages, rather than the 180 this one was. There is so much more that I want to see in this world.

Bottom line: The Black Dawn series is great for young adult and new adult fantasy fans alike. I loved the magic, the world and the characters. If you are looking for a quick, fast paced fantasy read, Heir of Lies is the book for you. I really enjoyed it. Plus, isn’t the new cover just beautiful?!


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About Mallory McCartney

Mallory McCartney currently lives in London, Ontario with her husband and their two dachshunds Link and Lola. Black Dawn is her debut novel, the first in a series. When she isn’t working on her next novel or reading, she can be found dog grooming, book shopping and hiking. Other favorite pastimes involve reorganizing perpetually overflowing bookshelves and seeking out new coffee and dessert shops.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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