{ARC Review} Driven to Temptation by Melia Alexander

June 11, 2016 Reviews 2 ★★★

{ARC Review} Driven to Temptation by Melia AlexanderDriven to Temptation by Melia Alexander
Pages: 172
Published by Entangled: Lovestruck on June 13, 2016
Genres: New Adult, adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Publisher

“I never wanted it to end.” --NYT Bestseller Marie Harte

Aidan Ross might be an engineering genius, but people skills? Not this soldier’s forte. Thankfully, a trusted friend is accompanying him to a make-or-break tradeshow…but then a bubbly redhead hops into his truck, claiming to be his new road trip buddy. She’s a gorgeous distraction he can’t afford. Or ignore.

Delaney Harper comes from a family of engineers—male engineers. With several impressive projects under her belt, she’s on a mission to prove she can hang with the big boys, too. But cracking the sexy, closed-off CEO is tougher than she expects…and hotter than she could have imagined.

With the tempting woman disrupting his carefully planned schedule, Aidan can’t focus on the road, much less their upcoming presentation. The future of his company is riding on this trip, and if they’re to land a huge account, he has to keep his head—and his heart—in the game…

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Adult Review My Thoughts

Driven to Temptation is a new adult/adult crossover novel by Melia Alexander. This is the first book I have read from this author, and I have to say I liked it but I didn’t love it. It is a super quick read, both in length and in amount of time passed in the actual story. I liked Driven To Temptation. I thought it was a fun read, but it ended up being just ok for me because I felt like all of it was too rushed.

Driven to Temptation is the story of Delaney and Aiden. I really liked Aiden and I mostly liked Delaney. I loved a lot of things about Delaney actually, but she had her moments of annoyance. I loved how smart she is, how driven, and how she goes out of her way to show people at work what she is capable of. But I found her to be a bit naive. Maybe naive isn’t the right word choice- she is more childishly stubborn. Take her view on work attire for example. I know that she wants to be seen for her ideas and her hard work and not her body, but wearing come on. Dressing the way she did, can have a complete opposite effect. She didn’t dress professionally at all. It comes across that she doesn’t take herself or her job seriously. (as you can tell this is just my personal opinion on the matter.) But it did bug me how stubborn she was about everything.

I really liked Aiden, I thought he was a great guy and a good match for Delaney. My frustration with him is my frustration with the book overall. It just moved at too fast of a speed. Aiden is her boss and it only took him a couple of hours in the car, after first meeting her, to throw all of that out the window. It just didn’t feel believable to me , especially since I knew how important the company is to him. I wish that the book was fleshed out a bit more so we could have witnessed a slower building connection between the characters.

On the flip side, this was a fun read and very well written, so fans of quick- read-it-in-one-afternoon, type books, might really love Driven to Temptation. It is an instant gratification read. One I enjoyed, but ultimately didn’t love.



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2 Responses to “{ARC Review} Driven to Temptation by Melia Alexander”

  1. danielle hammelef

    Thanks for the review. I’ve always wanted to read an honest review on this genre because I haven’t read any yet. I think this may be a good “sit at the doctor’s office” read where lighter books as far as content would compare to the magazines always in the waiting room.

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