{Review+Giveaway} The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman @rrsmythe @Month9Books

April 6, 2016 Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult 4 ★★★½

{Review+Giveaway} The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman @rrsmythe @Month9Books

{Review+Giveaway} The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman @rrsmythe @Month9BooksThe Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman
Pages: 300
Published by Month9Books on April 5, 2016
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy & Magic, mystery
Source: eARC from Publisher

Patient Twenty-nine.

A monster roams the halls of Soothing Hills Asylum. Three girls dead. 29 is endowed with the curse…or gift of perception. She hears messages in music, sees lyrics in paintings. And the corn. A lifetime asylum resident, the orchestral corn music is the only constant in her life.

Mason, a new, kind orderly, sees 29 as a woman, not a lunatic. And as his belief in her grows, so does her self- confidence. That perhaps she might escape, might see the outside world.

But the monster has other plans. The missing girls share one common thread...each was twenty-nine's cell mate.
Will she be next?


YA ReviewMy ThoughtsThe Requiem Red is the first in a new, young adult series by Brynn Chapman. The Requiem Red is a fantasy/horror/suspense/historical story, and that is a mix of genres that really works well for me. I enjoyed this story a lot, and it left me pretty desperately wanting the next book. Brynn Chapman clearly excels in books with a flair towards the historical. She can paint a time period picture unlike most authors. She has a gift in that regard.

I loved the mystery and suspenseful atmosphere Brynn created in The Requiem Red. The asylum setting is the perfect place for the creepies to set in. Throw a mystery into the mix and sprinkle in some fantasy elements, and you have a book that I was dying to read. Strangely enough, the thing that I normally crave and gravitate towards the most, the romance, was the thing that did the least for me in this instance. But even more strange, was the fact that it didn’t bug me nearly as much as I thought it would. There are so many other things going on in the story, that the romance was kind of pushed to the back burner for me.

Let’s take a moment to talk about, what was, in my opinion the real standout star of The Requiem Red. Brynn Chapman is a master storyteller. I loved her writing and I loved the way she set the stage for her tale. Each of her scenes were atmospheric and richly detailed. She is a very deliberate writer, and I think it is what made The Requiem Red shine. I loved the spooky asylum, I loved the characters, and I loved the Brynn not only let me into the world she created by opening the door, she dumped me right in the middle of it and led me on a guided tour that was breathtaking. Not to mention, she ended it leaving me anxious for the next book.

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About Brynn Chapman

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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