{Guest Post} Leading Her Witness by Cheryl Smith @CherylAnnAuthor

October 25, 2014 Blog Tours, Giveaways, Guest Post 1

{Guest Post} Leading Her Witness by Cheryl Smith @CherylAnnAuthorLeading Her Witness by Cheryl Ann Smith
Pages: 298
Published by Tulip on October 27, 2014
Genres: adult, contemporary, Humor, Love & Romance, Romance
Goons, deadbeats, and murder: A tenacious process server’s unconventional techniques get her into loads of trouble. So much so that her boss jokes that he keeps the coroner on speed dial just in case. Still, most of Andie Dixon’s job is pretty tame if she doesn’t count snapping dogs and homeowners squirting her with garden hoses. That changes when she serves papers on a notorious crime boss and puts her life in real jeopardy. But despite this close call, Andie will not let threats keep her from doing her job. She puts the matter behind her until a hunky U.S. Marshal tracks her down and solicits her help to find the fugitive. Again. At first Andie adamantly refuses, but eventually agrees when she’s swayed by the Marshal’s persistence and rather dreamy brown eyes. However, when crime boss Sammy Gilroy, finds out she’s back and close on his heels, he threatens to make her disappear for good this time.
Marshall Colin Navarro needs to find Sammy Gilroy before the man vanishes forever. Colin is certain that the notorious crime leader was involved in a shoot-out with the FBI that injured his sister. But he never expected that he’d have to sway a newbie process-server to help, or that she’d turn out to be stubborn, aggravating, and an all-around pain in the ass. Yet despite her shortcomings, he cannot figure out why she’s taken over his thoughts and is front and center in some very hot fantasies. But can he keep her from getting herself killed as they edge closer to catching the fugitive? Then again, the crime boss and his goons don’t know who they’re messing with. With Andie on the case, Colin is beginning to believe that justice may be served after all.
Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
guest post
Write What You Know?…

By Cheryl Smith

People in the publishing business tell authors to write what they know. Good advice. Generally. But what fun would it be to only pen books about things from my real life? Yes, I love my life but I’d rather write about people who live larger than me. Why? Because I’ve never lived in Regency England or been a kick-ass process server who is chased by bad guys and survives brilliantly. So I write about those things because they’re fun. There are no cravat-wearing dukes strolling around outside my window, or dangerous goons wreaking havoc on the citizens of my small town, either. I can live those adventures along with my characters without any of the danger…or the tight corsets!

I’m a cross country mom, married for 21 years, who has very little drama in my daily life. We travel and have adventures and hang out with friends and family. I have a job that I love and mother several pets. Interesting to me? Yes? But could I write a 3 book series about my daily activities and find anyone (outside of family) that would want to read it? Probably not. Nor will TLC call to give me a reality show or People Magazine put me on their cover. We don’t have enough odd in our family to fill hours of TV time or glossy pages.

So I’ll continue to make up stories and hopefully my readers will enjoy the ride. In my new book, Leading Her Witness, Andie Dixon deals with dangerous criminals and falls for a sexy U.S. Marshal. I throw crazy stuff at her and she deals with it all, admirably, because she and all my heroines are part of me. Or parts I want to be. Because, as every woman knows, there is a little kick-ass heroine in all of us, aching to be set free!


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About Cheryl Ann Smith

A fan of romance fiction since the dark ages, author Cheryl Ann Smith loves to throw her heroines into danger, just to see what they’ll do. Her dream of publication came true in 2011 when the first in her historical romance series came out with Berkley Sensation. And just this year, she sold a new contemporary series to Tulip Romance, thus allowing her to mix her crazy sense of humor with suspenseful elements to write about process server, Andie Dixon, the kick-ass heroine Cheryl has always wanted to be.
Cheryl lives in Michigan with her family, two cats and a very hairy dog. She enjoys outdoor adventures and traveling, when she has the time, and hopes to make her first visits to Europe and Australia in the very near future.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

One Response to “{Guest Post} Leading Her Witness by Cheryl Smith @CherylAnnAuthor”

  1. kindlemom1

    I think if I was ever a writer I would want to write about other things as well. Just imagine, if no body ever went out of their norm or usual we wouldn’t have all the wonderful UF and fantasy series we have today!

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