{Book Review} Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore

June 7, 2012 Blog Tours, Reviews 10

Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore
Pages: 320 pages
Publication Date: May 29th 2012 by Thomas Nelson Fiction
Age Group: YA
Source: Publisher
Series: Angel Eyes #1
Challenge(s): Ebook challenge,Young adult reading challenge, 150+ reading challenge, Debut Author Challenge
Buy this Book:Amazon 

Once you’ve seen, you can’t unsee. Everything changes when you’ve looked at the world through . . .
Brielle’s a ballerina who went to the city to chase her dreams and found tragedy instead. She’s come home to shabby little Stratus, Oregon, to live with her grief and her guilt . . . and the incredible, numbing cold she can’t seem to shake.
Jake’s the new guy at school. The boy next door with burning hands and an unbelievable gift that targets him for corruption.
Something more than fate has brought them together. An evil bigger than both of them lurks in the shadows nearby, hiding in plain sight. Two angels stand guard, unsure what’s going to happen. And a beauty brighter than Jake or Brielle has ever seen is calling them to join the battle in a realm where all human choices start.
A realm that only angels and demons—and Brielle—can perceive.

Why on earth don’t I read more angel books? I have really enjoyed all the angel books that I have read this last year, but I still don’t read too many of them. Angel Eyes is a great story! I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. Since it is an angel book, it does deal with God and faith a little bit throughout, but it never seemed overbearing or like it was forcing religious views on you. I am not a fan of overly religious books and Angel Eyes didn’t bug me one bit. I loved hearing Brielle’s story and I really connected with her. This is going to be an awesome trilogy!

Brielle, or Elle has dealt with a lot of trauma, but she never once seemed whiny or “poor me”, which is super admirable. Even when she wasn’t feeling especially strong, she never gave up. I just have a lot of respect for people with that attitude and so it was no surprise to me that I fell in love with Elle from page one. I love that she is a dancer and I can’t wait to see her hopefully get back in the dance studio in the next book.

Jake is just flat out adorable. Or should I say “hot”? I’m a pretty big fan of Jake. He is just good to the core, and I love me some good guys. It was just too cute to see what caused him fear. It was just so vulnerable and endearing. I can’t wait to see so much more of him. My heart just broke for him at the end of the book and let me just tell you, he needs to be happy in the next book. Jake is just one of those people that deserves rainbows, and sunshine and just to be happy. Elle better treat him right, because even as much as I love her, I love Jake even more!

One of the coolest things about this book is how the angels are described. I loved the description of them and their powers. I haven’t read a ton of angel books so I’m not sure how original they were, but they felt authentic and unique to me. Angel Eyes is a beautiful and emotional journey. It grabbed a hold of my heart and made me fall in love. Shannon Dittemore’s writing is wonderful, and I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us with the next book.

4.5/5 gavels
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Michelle @ Book Briefs

10 Responses to “{Book Review} Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore”

  1. Shannon Dittemore

    Michelle! I love your review. I smiled through the whole stinking thing. THANK you for taking the time to read and review Angel Eyes. It’s the kindest thing you can do for an author and I’ve been overwhelmed by the dedication you book bloggers have.

    AND, and, I promise to try to find some rainbows and sunshine for Jake. I rather love him too.

  2. ashelynn hetland

    I am reading this one right now and LOVING IT SO HARD. I love Jake; he’s the best. And I so agree re: Elle never being a “whiny” person. She’s tough despite having to go through that trauma.

    great review! 🙂

    Ashelynn @ gypsy book reviews.

  3. Pocketful of Books

    I don’t think of ever read any angel books! I m clearly missing out! Ghosts and angels have never sold me on books but your review has- I really want to read this now! Great review x

  4. Molli @ Once Upon a Prologue

    Aww, Michelle! Your thoughts on ANGEL EYES are pretty much my exact thoughts, too! I ADORED Brielle and loved seeing her and Jake get to know and fall for one another. They’re one of those really super strong couples that you just KNOW are going to be great together, and are so good for each other in so many ways.

    SO happy you loved this one like I did, chica!

  5. kimbacaffeinate

    I almost grabbed this on booksneeze and then thought better of it..after reading your review..i have to see if I can still grab it. I am anxious to read the author’s take of angels and meet adorable and hot Jake! Awesome review!

  6. RIN

    This sounds cute. I actually saw it featured on a different blog a few months ago and dismissed it, but I think I’ll maybe pick up a copy sometime. This seems like a bit more of a “realistic” (cough cough?) angel book. Most of the angel books I’ve read haven’t actually dealt with God at all.

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