{Review+Giveaway} Song of the Forever Rains by E.J. Mellow

July 27, 2021 Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult 2 ★★★★★

{Review+Giveaway} Song of the Forever Rains by E.J. Mellow

{Review+Giveaway} Song of the Forever Rains by E.J. MellowSong of the Forever Rains by E.J. Mellow
Pages: 424
Published by Montlake on July 22, 2021
Series: Mousai #1
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Source: Finished Copy from Publisher

From the award-winning author of the Dreamland series comes a new dark romantic fantasy about a young woman finding hope in her powers of destruction.

The Thief Kingdom is a place hidden within the world of Aadlior. Many whisper of its existence, but few have found this place, where magic and pleasure abound. There, the mysterious Thief King reigns supreme with the help of the Mousai, a trio of revered and feared sorceresses.

Larkyra Bassette may be the youngest of the Mousai, but when she sings her voice has the power to slay monsters. When it’s discovered the Duke of Lachlan is siphoning a poisonous drug from the Thief Kingdom and using it to abuse his tenants, Larkyra is offered her first solo mission to stop the duke. Eager to prove herself, Larkyra accepts by posing as the duke’s potential bride. But her plans grow complicated when she finds herself drawn to Lord Darius Mekenna, Lachlan’s rightful heir. Soon she suspects Darius has his own motivations for ridding Lachlan of the corrupt duke. Larkyra and Darius must learn to trust each other if there is to be any hope of saving the people of Lachlan—and themselves.

Welcome to the world of Aadilor, where lords and ladies can be murderers and thieves, and the most alluring notes are often the deadliest. Dare to listen?

YA Review My Thoughts

Song of the Forever Rains is the first book in the dark YA fantasy romance called the Mousai series by E.J. Mellow. I loved E.J. Mellow’s dreamland series when I read it years and years ago, so when I saw that she had a new series coming out, I was so excited! And I have to say Song of the Forever Rains was SO FANTASTIC! This book pulled me right out of my several weeks long reading slump and made me fall in love. I am absolutely desperate for the second book in this series. You know when you can just tell within a few pages that a book is going to blow you away? That is what happened as soon as I flipped from page 1 to page 2 in Song of the Forever Rains. E.J. Mellow’s writing is so magical and her worldbuilding is so intricately effortless that I couldn’t help but get pulled in by the lure of this story and of the Mousai sisters.  If you are a fan of fantasy books, Song of the Forever Rains is a must read. It is one of the best books I have read in 2021!

In Song of the Forever Rains, we meet our three sisters, Niya, Arabessa and Larkyra Bassette. Each of these three sisters has their own magical abilities, but when you combine them together they are the revered and deadly Mousai. When the girls use their gift they are able to capture and ensnare other’s senses, sometimes with deadly consequences. Niya’s gift is over movement, or dance. Arabessa can effortless play any instrument and when she plays so completely takes over the listeners senses, and Larkyra’s voice can compel the listener to feel any emotion or to do as she obeys. She can even kill with her voice.

Lark is our main character for this story. She is the youngest of the three sisters, and when she comes of age (19) she is given a test by her father. Her and her sisters have completed various missions to help those less fortunate throughout the years at the bequest of their father, but this is Lark’s first solo mission. And her mission is a big one. She is to accept a dirty and corrupt Duke’s hand in marriage so she can get close to him and sort out how he is obtaining some illegal substances. The Duke is using the illegal drugs to control and extort his people, and Lark needs to get to the bottom of it so she can put a stop to it. The Duke’s stepson complicates matters for Lark because he is constantly in the way. Not to mention the fact that they have feelings for each other. I am so in love with the romance in Song of the Forever Rains. I feel like E.J. Mellow is the fourth member of the Mousai with a gift over the written word, because her writing ensnared all of my senses. I was so captivated by this entire story.

I was so intrigued by all of the characters in Song of the Forever Rains, as well as the world. I particularly loved the deb of debauchery that was the Thief Kingdom, which is a secret cave land where all kinds of things go down. The world is fascinating, the romance is swoon-worthy and the characters are all amazing. What more could you ask for in a fantasy? Song of the Forever Rains was pretty much a perfect read in my opinion. I love this novel hardcore! blue5

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About E.J. Mellow

I’m the author behind the NA Contemporary Fantasy trilogy The Dreamland Series. When I’m not busy moonlighting in the realm of make-believe, I can be found doodling, buried in a book (usually this one), or playing video games.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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