{Review} I Do Not Trust You by Laura J. Burns & Melinda Metz

December 21, 2020 Blog Tours, Reviews, Young Adult 0 ★★★

{Review} I Do Not Trust You by Laura J. Burns & Melinda MetzI Do Not Trust You by Laura J. Burns, Melinda Metz
Pages: 320
Published by Wednesday Books on September 11, 2018
Genres: Young Adult, mystery
Source: eARC from Publisher

Memphis "M" Engle is stubborn to a fault, graced with an almost absurd knowledge of long lost languages and cultures, and a heck of an opponent in a fight. In short: she's awesome.

Ashwin Sood is a little too posh for her tastes, a member of an ancient cult (which she’s pretty sure counts for more than one strike against him), and has just informed Memphis that her father who she thought was dead isn’t and needs her help.

From the catacombs of Paris to lost temples in the sacred forests, together they crisscross the globe, searching for the pieces of the one thing that might save her father.
But the closer they come to saving him—and the more they fall for one another—the closer they get to destroying the world.

YA Review My Thoughts

I Do Not Trust You  is a young adult adventure mystery by Laura J. Burns & Melinda Metz. I was immediately drawn in to this book by the title and the summary. A member of an ancient cult shows up to tell you that the father you thought was dead, isn’t? And then sweeps you up in an adventure to find him that takes you all around the world…yes please! And while I did enjoy up enjoying I Do Not Trust You, it didn’t blow me away like I was expecting it to. A found a lot of the book to be very slow and kind of hard to get into. The story’s pacing did pick up in the second half of the book, but even so this was only an ok read for me.

In I Do Not Trust You we meet our main character, Memphis or M for short. I loved M. She is sassy and independent, and really really smart! I couldn’t believe how much M seemed to know…about everything. It was a little odd how well versed she seemed in so many different cultures and their histories. I am a history major and I don’t know as much as M seems to about different cultures histories. But I digress. What I loved most about M is her skeptical nature.  So when Ashwin, or Ash for short shows up, M does not trust him. Which I kind of expected from the title of the book, and yes there are a lot of trust issues and skepticism present with M and Ash as they go on their round the world journey to try and track down her dad. I loved the descriptions of the places they visited and the intrigue present in the story surrounding M’s father and the ancient society were also interesting, but at times it just didn’t feel like enough was going on to capture my attention. The overall story was good, but too slow for my taste. If you are a character driven reader that doesn’t mind some slow pacing then I think you will enjoy this story.

I think this book will appeal to readers who enjoy an adventure style mystery that felt like a mix of sleuth story and Indiana Jones mixed with Tomb Raider. There is also a wonderful cast of diverse characters, which I loved! So even though this book was a bit too slow for my liking, I did end up enjoying the overall story.


Michelle @ Book Briefs

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2020 Bookish Resolutions Challenge
  • 2020 Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge

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