{Excerpt+Giveaway} The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton

Posted July 10, 2019 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, excerpt, Giveaways, New Adult / 14 Comments

The Forever Girl
Rebecca Hamilton
Publication date: June 18th 2018
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Paranormal

A young descendent of a true witch, Sophia discovers her familial curse can only be cured by entering a world of shifters, fae, and vampires who want her dead.

Sophia’s ancestor’s body went missing after a Salem Witch Trials hanging. Now, over three centuries later, Sophia is cursed, and the only way to free herself is to find out what happened to her ancestor’s body.

As Sophia uses magic to find answers, she unknowingly paints a supernatural target on her back, making herself a beacon for creatures of the night. And they won’t stop hunting her until they’ve collected what they want.

There’s one man who might be able to help her, but when Sophia finally decides to trust him, his own secrets place them both in more danger.

Fans of True Blood, Twilight, and The Craft are devouring Rebecca Hamilton’s witty, imaginative series.

Scroll Up and One-Click The Forever Girl to start the hauntingly beautiful adventure today!

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Once Circe disappeared into the crowd, Thalia smiled at Charles.

“That one”—she bit her thumbnail and indicated me with her pinky—“would be valuable.”

A vein pulsed in Charles’ neck, and a soft hum vibrated through his body. Why didn’t he just shift?

“Surely you aren’t attached?” she asked, dropping her hand away from her mouth.

“You’re outside your rights, Thalia.”

“Temper, temper.” She sighed, the sound sickening coming from her. “But, my sweet Charlie, we’ve missed you. And what of Adonis and Blake? Have you forgotten who your ???? friends are?”

“These women know nothing.” His voice sounded rougher, more gravelly. “Do not cross me.”

“Cross you? Oh Charlie, I’d never cross you.” She patted his chest and winked. “You’ve already ???? crossed.”

A young, scrawny vampire pushed his way through the crowd. He bowed toward Thalia. “I’m sure Charles can handle this…misunderstanding. He’s been around longer than both of us put together.” He arched his eyebrows.

Thalia stepped back, cocked her head to one side, and tapped a finger against her cheek. “Fine. We have their scents.” To Charles, she added, “Pray you handle this well.”


A shadow filled the window frame. I opened my mouth to scream, but clamped it shut when I recognized Charles.

I shot out of bed and opened the casement windows. “What the heck are you doing here?”

“Nice to see you, too.”

“Might have been if I wasn’t sleeping.”

His gaze touched over my body, then back up to my face, and my heart thundered in my chest at the idea he was seeing me this way, dressed in nothing but a white tank top and sleep shorts. My face was surely all puffy, and my long blonde curls probably resembled something of Medusa’s offspring.

I crossed my arms. “Are you spying on me?”

“You’re not so interesting that I came to watch you sleep, darlin’,” he said, leaning his hands on the windowsill. He dipped his face to meet my gaze. “I only came to check on you. Now admit it—you’re glad I’m here.”

New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Hamilton writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance for Harlequin, Baste Lübbe, and Evershade. A book addict, registered bone marrow donor, and indian food enthusiast, she often takes to fictional worlds to see what perilous situations her characters will find themselves in next.

Represented by Rossano Trentin of TZLA, Rebecca has been published internationally, in three languages: English, German, and Hungarian.


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