Pages: 192
Published by Love Knot Books on March 2, 2019
Genres: Romance, Thrillers & Suspense
Graduation can be killer…
Beth pushes beyond her comfort zone to prove a sociology thesis. She turns a chance meeting with a known player into a personal experiment on first impressions. Weaving herself into casual meetings with the guy reinforces her assumptions… until she’s no longer the one pursuing him.
Jeremy’s only serious relationship is with his studies as he competes for the coveted post-grad theoretical chem spot with Dr. Young. When the campus goes into lockdown and everyone is evacuated to the stadium, his habit of “fun only” friendships turns into a curse.
Can he trust a skittish girl he’s known for ten days to help him find his not-so-theoretical chem project or will her assumptions about him keep her at arm’s length?
Final Year – a fast-paced new adult romantic suspense that keeps you guessing at every turn.

Today I have the author of final year here to tell us 5 things we didn’t know about the main character, Jeremy.
Top 5 things I didn’t know about Jeremy
- He has a step-father. As a plotter, I tend to know (for the most part) what’s going to happen (the major things anyway), so when Jeremy revealed that his mother and step-father were away in Arizona I was completely shocked. Then it clicked in my head – the whole reason he took to over-eating as a child was due to the fact that his father left. His mom overcompensated by equating love to food and showering it on Jeremy.
- When Jeremy made the decision to lose weight and get healthy, I had no idea that in addition to joining a gym, he’d get into kick-boxing! His determination to push himself started with fitness and ebbed into his school life. His need to prove himself “worthy” fueled him, but the ache of losing someone he loved prevented him from making deeper connections. After his best friend graduated before him, he felt adrift again and anchored himself in his studies.
- He had a dog when he was younger – a golden retriever. This surprised me because I’m very much a cat person. So, when he revealed to me that he was a “dog person” I felt a bit betrayed – lol! Still, he hasn’t had another pet since, mainly because he’s been living on campus for seven years and didn’t visit home except over summer holidays.
- Jeremy drinks American beer… for the obvious reasons: it costs less, and he can drink more before getting drunk. Again, I was appalled to learn this, so much so, that I didn’t even mention his preference in the novel. I’m a true north Canadian and anything less than 4.5% alcohol content just doesn’t qualify as beer ?.
- Something that never made it into the novel is Jeremy’s love of trains – going for rides on the Go Train (express train) specifically. Amusement Park rides never did it for him, but sitting with his back to the direction a train travelled, feeling the rumble, hearing the monotonous whirr and click gave him butterflies in his stomach at the same time as helping calm his frayed nerves. He tried this on the subways of Toronto, but they were too loud and busy, even if they were cheaper and you could ride on them nearly all day if you chose.
I decided not to do a “Top 5” for Beth because I know her inside and out. So much of her is me that writing her was akin to looking in the mirror. We don’t look alike but we are both “plain” and perhaps a little over-committed to our studies due to strange issues with making friends. It was cathartic writing her, but I had very few surprises. Jeremy was always the enigma. I learned a lot about him beyond my initial character sketch, but the five points above were the ones that surprised me the most. Gotta love him.
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I can’t thank Michelle enough for helping me celebrate the launch of Final Year! If anyone has any questions about the book, writing, publishing, etc. feel free to ask and I shall do my best to answer 🙂