{Review} Alive by Chandler Baker @chandlerbakerYA @HyperionTeens

August 17, 2015 Reviews, Young Adult 9 ★★★★

{Review} Alive by Chandler Baker @chandlerbakerYA @HyperionTeensAlive by Chandler Baker
Pages: 368
Published by Disney-Hyperion on June 9, 2015
Genres: Young Adult, Romance, Horror & Ghost Stories
Source: Finished Copy from Publisher

Stella Cross's heart is poisoned.

After years on the transplant waiting list, she's running out of hope that she'll ever see her eighteenth birthday. Then, miraculously, Stella receives the transplant she needs to survive.

Determined to embrace everything she came so close to losing, Stella throws herself into her new life. But her recovery is marred by strange side effects: Nightmares. Hallucinations. A recurring pain that flares every day at the exact same moment.

Then Stella meets Levi Zin, the new boy on everyone's radar at her Seattle prep school. Stella has never felt more drawn to anyone in her life, and soon she and Levi are inseparable.

Stella is convinced that Levi is her soul mate. Why else would she literally ache for him when they are apart?

After all, the heart never lies...does it?

YA Review My Thoughts

Alive is one of those young adult books that has such a cool concept, that you can’t not read it. Alive is about a teenage girl that gets a heart transplant, and then some strange and dare-I-say-it… creepy, things begin to happen. You cannot tell me that story doesn’t sounds, original and flat out awesome, can you? Nope, I didn’t think so. Alive is a great read. One that will leave you more than a little spooked.Stella is a character that I think could be very polarizing in the young adult book world. I can certainly see people getting frustrated with her, but it was really easy for me to put myself in her shoes and imagine how hard her recovery and every day life must be. I haven’t gone through anything as traumatic as having a bad heart or needing a transplant, but Stella is a very easily relate-able character.

Sure, she gets a bit of first boyfriend tunnel- vision, and sure she takes a couple craps on her friends, but put in context of everything that was going on, I got it. Now, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t give her a free pass for being a crappy friend more than once during Alive. In fact, I wanted to shake her every single time I imagined Henry’s hurt feelings. Stella kind of went on a path of teenage destruction in parts of Alive. She is lucky that her friends are so awesome, because I know a lot of people that wouldn’t not put up with half of her decisions. I know it seems like I am hating on Stella. but I’m not. Because even through everything I just mentioned, I was still on Team Stella. Why? Because of Chandler’s writing. Chandler Baker made me care for Stella, because I understood Stella’s motivations.

I love Henry. I shipped hard for him in this book. Levi totally creeped me out. He was not a bad boy that made me swoon at all. But then again, how could anyone steal my attention from Henry. I just wanted to hug him from the very first text that Stella sent him. (and I hadn’t even met him yet!)

Chandler’s writing was the highlight of Alive for me. It was thought provoking writing. I loved the idea that an organ might not just be an organ. That it might carry some impressions, and history from its’ previous owner. That concept alone has a ton of ramifications, and interesting ideas to explore. Alive is the product of that thought, and I loved seeing where Chandler Baker took it. So whether you end up loving Stella or hating Stella, I think there is something for everyone to enjoy, and to think about, in Alive.

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Side Note: If you were not aware, Chandler Baker is part of a great youtube channel, called the Weirdlings. I love their videos. Chandler is the YA expert in the group. You can find their videos here. You should check it out because there are so many fun ones. I love her awkward interview, her outtakes and her book cover remakes.


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About Chandler Baker

Chandler Baker got her start ghostwriting novels for teens and tweens, including installments in a book series that has sold more than 1 million copies. She grew up in Florida, went to college at the University of Pennsylvania and studied law at the University of Texas. She now lives in Austin with her husband. Although she loves spinning tales with a touch of horror, she is a much bigger scaredy-cat than her stories would lead you to believe.

You can find Chandler as the books contributor on the YouTube channel Weird Girls.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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9 Responses to “{Review} Alive by Chandler Baker @chandlerbakerYA @HyperionTeens”

  1. kindlemom1

    This really does sound original and like it would be perfect for fall with the creepy vibe it has going on for it.
    Wonderful review Michelle!

  2. Jazmen

    This sounds like a great read. I wasn’t sure about it at first but I think I might like it. Thanks for this review!

  3. Nicole

    I really really want to read this one! It was on my ARC wishlist but didn’t get it, but I really need it now that I read your review. There’s only one small thing: is there a love triangle? Because I’m trying to avoid those, and praying that this isn’t one of those.

    • Michelle @ Book Briefs

      Yes, there is a bit of a love triangle. But it is kind of different than most, so I would still say check it out, unless you have a huge aversion to them. So my answer is yes there is, but its not a back and forth thing like you would expect. It is still a pretty cool book overall.

      Thanks for stopping by Nicole 🙂

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