Month: July 2016

{Review+Giveaway} LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES by @LauraStampler

{Review+Giveaway} LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES by @LauraStampler

LITTLE BLACK DRESSES, LITTLE WHITE LIES by Laura Stampler is a young adult chick lit book. Technically, it is a contemporary romance, however the whole thing had a very chick lit (ex: Shopaholic series, Devil wears Prada, etc.) feel to it, and I loved that about it. It made the whole thing feel like a […]

{Review+Giveaway} The Sapphire Affair by Lauren Blakely @LaurenBlakely3

{Review+Giveaway} The Sapphire Affair by Lauren Blakely @LaurenBlakely3

✮✮✮ THE SAPPHIRE AFFAIR is here! From New York Times bestselling author Lauren Blakely’s new contemporary romance Jewel Novel series, this enemies-to-lovers series is filled with sex, wit, glamour, and high stakes, with a rugged, ex-military, dirty-talking alpha hero! Don’t miss this explosive and passionate series! ✮✮✮   The Sapphire Affair is the first in […]

{Review+Giveaway} Life after Juliet by Shannon Lee Alexander @shanlalexander @EntangledTEEN

{Review+Giveaway} Life after Juliet by Shannon Lee Alexander @shanlalexander @EntangledTEEN

Life After Juliet is a young adult novel by Shannon Lee Alexander. It is a companion novel to Love and Other Unknown Variables. I had Love and Other Unknown Variables on my to be read list since before its’ release, but I never got around to reading it. However, as soon as I read the […]