{Review} The Abbie Diaries by Amelie Stephens

June 24, 2015 Blog Tours, New Adult, Reviews 9 ★★½

{Review} The Abbie Diaries by Amelie StephensThe Abbie Diaries by Amelie Stephens
Pages: 194
Published by Createspace Independent Pub on May 30, 2015
Source: ecopy from Author

Meet Abbie, cubicle dweller by day, blogger by night. Acting as her online diary, the blog features a no-holds-barred, true life, gritty account of her sometimes funny, sometimes painful, often dirty love life. Oh, and she doesn't always change the names to protect the innocent.

After a date with coworker, Toby, she has a new reason to hate Mondays. When the post goes viral, Toby seeks revenge and enlists the help of his buddy Parker to do it. Both guys soon realize when she isn't bad -mouthing men, she's pretty likable, maybe even lovable, which really puts a crimp in Toby's revenge plot.

As if her life life and work life colliding aren't challenging enough, Abbie has a crazy roommate with a vacuuming obsession, a serious problem with alcohol resulting in BUI: blogging under the influence, and a broken heart. All may be fair in love and war, but what happens next will rock the internet and her world.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.


NA Review

My ThoughtsThe Abbie Diaries is a bind up of the complete three part romantic comedy serial. It comes in at about 200 pages total. I really like the cover of the series, and I really liked Parker. I was rooting for him and Abbie to get together the whole time. And the book was funny enough, but… (and I know you could feel the but coming.) But, the whole storyline felt really immature to me. The Abbie Diaries is a New Adult romantic comedy about a blogger who has a dating misadventures blog. She prides herself on just telling her dates how they are, but here’s the thing. She lies in her blog. She says that she doesn’t but it seemed like all of her posts were lies. She made up some pretty awful things about Toby. (as in he he would have a decent case if he decided to sue her for defamation if he wanted to, awful.) And then she lied a whole bunch more as the revenge games spiraled out of control. But I could get on board with the lying. It made for a funny story at least.

So here is a basic rundown. Abbie dates her co-worker Toby. She is mad that he was boring a little late so she goes home, gets drunk and proceeds to completely bash him on her blog. The next day at work everyone sees it and basically sees her accuse him of assaulting her. Toby is understandably mad, so he decides to get back at her. Insert his friend Parker who researches Abbie on her blog to become her perfect guy with the end goal being to embarass her in some way after she falls for Parker. Still ok with everything. I really liked Parker and I really liked that he started to like the real Abbie. But then it gets crazy! Toby out of no where goes from hating Abbie to liking Abbie, to calling it off, to calling it back on. To other people finding out and new revenge plots getting planned. It was a big mess. Like I said this book is New Adult because of content, but young YA when it comes to maturity level.

The whole thing reminded me of a not as funny friends episode. The one where Rachel and Phoebe find out that Monica and Chandler are secretly dating. It started out as a way to get back at them- “they don’t know we know.” and then when Monica and Chandler find out they get in on the action. “They don’t know we know, they know.”And then back to Phoebe and Rachel who notch it up again. You get the picture.

Parker was great. If there was more of him and Abbie and less of all this other insta love with Toby and crazy immature twisted actions, I would have loved this book. I can see some people really enjoying this and thinking it is a fun kooky read. It was amusing, it was just too immature for me. Give it a read if you like funny revenge plots and drunken blogging.


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Note: this book satisfied COYER scavenger hunter item # 4- read a book with a red item on the cover (glasses and shirt).

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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9 Responses to “{Review} The Abbie Diaries by Amelie Stephens”

  1. tonyalee

    The revenge aspect actually sounds like something I would enjoy – if it wasn’t immature. Sad to see you didn’t like this one more!

  2. kindlemom1

    This actually sounds like it really could have been a fun read but just didn’t pan out. I hate it when that happens. I hope your next read is a better one!

  3. Linda

    The synopsis seems like a really cute and fun contemporary read! I personally like reading books about romance in the blogging world lol but from reading you’re review, I might pass on this one. Anyways I hope you read something better next time! Happy reading!

  4. Suzi Q, The Book Dame

    I tend to be attracted to books that include blogging in fiction, but I don’t know if this is for me. It is horribly tempting, but I will wait for a few more reviews. Thank you for reviewing it.

  5. Stacey Brucale

    I’m pulled in to this one because of the blogging aspect – it’s what we do, right? Sorry that it was so immature to you. Maybe knowing that going in will make it better for me so I know what to expect. We’ll have to see if this ends up in my tbr or not.

  6. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Hm. I’m thinking this is not the book for me. I don’t do well with scheming plots where people have ulterior motives for whatever they’re doing, it causes me stress. I like it when people are bit more open with their communication! I do like the sound of Parker though, I’m glad he was a highlight for you:)

  7. Jazmen

    I never heard of this, and now I’m okay with that. Two and half stars. Definitely not something to look forward to. It sure looks like it would be great but immaturity–drives me nuts. Great review!

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