{Review} Centaur Legacy by Nancy Straight

November 12, 2013 Reviews, Young Adult 4 ★★★★½

YA Review

Centaur Legacy is the second book in the Touched series.
If you are new to this series, check out my review of book 1 Blood Debt HERE


Centaur Legacy by Nancy Straight
Published November 22nd 2012 by Smashword
Age Group: YA
Series: Touched #2
Source: ecopy from Author


Camille and Drake are on the run from the head of the Centaur Council, seeking the mythical pasture of Thessaly and a family heirloom that may keep them safe. As their journey progresses from the rolling hills of Ireland to the snow covered forests of South Dakota, Cami learns more about her mother’s secrets, including a twin brother and a Centaur legacy that puts a death warrant on her entire family.

Camille and Drake don’t know who to trust or where to hide. Camille’s family is quick to come to her aid, but who among them can be trusted?

A supernatural benefactor forces Drake to choose between being the man he wants to be and the Centaur warrior Camille needs him to be.

My Thoughts

I love the touched Series. Blood Debt was one of my favorite books of 2012. Centaur Legacy picks up right where Blood Debt left off. Drake and Cami have escaped from Zandra’s house and are off to find Hercules’ arrow.

Cami really comes into her own in Centaur Legacy. She starts to explore the limits of her powers and she is really impressive. Maybe even a little scary when she is in action. I loved seeing her start to learn how to use her powers. Because she is from two really powerful bloodlines, she can do some really cool stuff. And I loved seeing her with Drake. Even though they had this awesome connection in the first book, they didn’t really get a chance to get to know each other. Because at the time Drake was betrothed to Bianca and then Cami was kidnapped so they didn’t have a ton of time to just enjoy each others company. So when they went to Ireland in search of this mysterious arrow, it was adorable to see them just talking and getting to know each other better. it seemed so ordinary but it was cute because they seemed just like any other normal couple falling in love.

But they couldn’t be normal for long. Centaur Legacy is full of just as much action as the first book. Cami is so important that a lot of people want her, and they will pretty much do anything to get her to help them. They each want her to become bound to someone in their line so that their herd will gain power. Plus there is all sorts of interesting things about the Lost Herd going on. You learn a lot about the history of the herds and we even find out who Cami’s long lost twin is. There is a crazy twist with Drake too. I didn’t see that coming! Centaur Legacy is a great sequel to Blood Debt. I am so excited that I have the third book to this series because I love it!

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About Nancy Straight

I LOVE Starbucks’ White Mocha Latte and Mountain Dew, (but not together). I have a lead foot so I set cruise control when I drive, even in 25 MPH zones. I almost never win when I play Angry Birds, but have my 9 year old close, so he can clear the hard levels for me. I grew up on a farm and am opposed to eating fresh chicken (not opposed to meat – just opposed to any meat that was alive a few hours before lunch). I am a huge fan of the show, Big Bang Theory, on CBS. I share my life with two fantastic sons, three rotten dogs and a husband that I adore.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

4 Responses to “{Review} Centaur Legacy by Nancy Straight”

  1. Meghan Hawk

    Okay this sounds good. I have seen many books featuring centaurs and they are one of my favorite mythical creatures. Pretty sure thats because I’m a Sagittarius…Adding to TBR! 🙂

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