Update on my life

Posted March 24, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Announcement, blogoversary, personal life, update / 7 Comments

Hey everyone,

Normally I don’t do these type of updates but I just wanted to fill you in on what has been going on recently. I’m in my second year of law school and im also juggling a 20+ hour a week internship/job as a law clerk for judges at circuit court, as well as a research assistant job for a professor at my school. Plus all of my blog stuff, I have been swamped lately. I have cut way back on review books and I was managing to get by but then my grandma got sick and passed away a few weeks ago. This was really hard for me. I have been trying my best to keep up with all my blog tours and review commitments but that has been all I’ve been able to do. My other posts and my own books have been pushed to the side for the time being.

I’ve told a few bloggers about my grandma and everyone has been super nice. This is the first grandparent that I have lost and it has hit me hard.

Anyways, the work from school, my jobs and the blog have been piling up and lately I feel like im starting to sink underneath it. It’s been a bit stressful. But I am slowly but surely working my way out from being behind and hopefully my posting will pick up within the next few weeks. My blogoversary is right around the corner (april 2nd) and I have some super cool giveaways planned for you!

Thanks for sticking with me through all of this. I’m sorry if the posts are a bit slow lately but hopefully I will be able to get caught up in work and school and then my blog will be right behind that! 🙂

Thanks for being so awesome. Your regularly scheduled blog posts will be up again right after this quick commercial break.

In the mean time, get excited for my Blogoversary bash! I’m going to have TONS of stuff to giveaway. (all of it has been funded by me right now. If you are a blogger or author who would like to participate, please let me know! )

Just as a teaser, have a look at this BEAUTIFUL button that Bree from The Magic Attic made for me. She is super sweet and really talented.

Check out her new design website! She is super talented and I can’t say enough good things about her. http://thisgirldesigns.blogspot.com/

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7 responses to “Update on my life

  1. Any help with the Blogoversary let me know. I am sorry for your loss. I was extremely close to my maternal grandparents and when I lost my grandmother it was one of the darkest times of my life. If you ever want to chat..email me and I will give you my digits. You do what you need to do…we will be here.

  2. Aw, Michelle… I’m sorry to hear about your grandma. I was super close with mine, so I understand how it could hit you hard.

    On a good note.. yay about your upcoming blogoversary


  3. Sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like you have a lot going on in life. I have a cousin in law school, so I know how much time and effort goes into school and studying. I commend you for even having the blog let alone working. I look forward to your blogoversary!

  4. I’m so sorry about your grandmother, Michelle. I lost my Grama in August, and I’m still not over it. I hope things ease up for you soon. Make sure to take some time for yourself…we all understand, and we’ll all still be here when you’re able to get back on a regular basis! <3

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