{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of August 2nd-9th

Posted August 8, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in In my mailbox, stacking the shelves, Sunday Post, Uncategorized, update, weekly recap / 30 Comments

Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and

Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


I found out some exciting news for me and my blog this week.

I was nominated for who wears the tweak me theme best award! I’m not sure who nominated me but I am super excited, and I would love love love it if you could vote for my blog, Book Briefs!

You can vote here.  (for any of the blogs. I won’t be upset if you vote for someone else. There are SO MANY beautiful options!) Thank you so much everyone!


Thank you to whoever nominated me! That is beyond awesome 🙂


Books I got this week:

*Thank you so much to Disney Hyperion, Entangled Teen, Random House, Penguin, Harper Collins, William Morrow, Intermix, Berkley, Jove, NetGalley, and all of the authors for these awesome books! *
(Click on the book covers to go to the book goodreads/amazon page)


eARC- Author
ecopy- Publisher

Bought & Books in the Mail:

PicMonkey Collage

Weekly Recap
This week on the blog I brought you:
Check them out 🙂
Next Week on the Blog:
*Note: These are not final. Some posts may change*
{ARC Review+Giveaway} How to Say I love You out Loud by Karole Cozzo


{Review} When an Omega Snaps by Eve Langlais
{ARC Review+Giveaway} Playing the Player
{Review} Secrets Don’t Keep
Waiting on Wednesday
{Review+Giveaway} Blackmail Boyfriend by Chris Cannon
{Review+Giveaway} Golden
{Review} Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson
{ARC Review} Don’t Ever Change by M. Beth Bloom


Leave me links to your Sunday posts/stacking the shelves in the comments and I will check them out 🙂

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While you are here…
Have you entered these awesome Giveaways?

Click the banner to enter

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If you are a blogger looking for books to review, check out this post

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30 responses to “{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of August 2nd-9th

  1. I nominated my own blog for that award, it’s awesome to see how many different blgos use the tweak me theme and how every one of them looks different. That’s what I love about the tweak me theme. I am curious to see who will win. Nice haul you got this week, I hope you’ll enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  2. I’ve been debating for months about purchasing the Tweak Me theme but haven’t done it yet!!

    I am curious about Spinning Starlight! Hope you love it!

    • LMAO BEA! I have no idea. How pathetic is that? (I do my haul in two parts, the physical book picture and then adding in the ebooks after) and I totally did not realize until you said something. haha I cannot stop laughing.

  3. Congrats on the nomination, and good luck! I see you’ll be reviewing Heart of Betrayal- I’ve been thinking of reading those, I’ll have to check out your thoughts. Have a great week!

  4. Congrats on getting nominated for the Tweak me Thing. 🙂 There a lot of blogs on there I know! You got some pretty cool looking books, so I hope you like them all!:)


    • Stormi, there are so many amazing blogs on there. I was scrolling and I couldn’t stop saying oh i love that blog. Oh that blog is soooo pretty and then when I found mine I nearly fell out of my seat! haha

  5. Congrats on your nomination! You got 5 books reviewed last week! I was happy about 4, but now I have a new goal. I am bit jealous you got Spinning Starlight and Hunter. I am still waiting on my request for Hunter in NetGalley, it is not looking too good. I can’t get any love from Disney. I hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    • Thanks Karen 🙂 and yea it was a good review week for me, and I just noticed that I have one of each rating except for 1 and 4 star, but still. it was a varied week book wise.

      And as for Disney. I have had the same problem up until recently. I wasn’t getting any ebook or physical books from them. If you ate in the US I would recommend writing to their publicity email with your stats and asking to sign up for any YA lists they have. They sent me a form to fill out. I think they are switching to a new system. (I also tweeted at them.) their publicity email is dpw.publicity@disney.com

  6. I really want a copy of Down the Rabbit Hole. But for the life of me, I don’t know why I am drawn to Alice related stuff when Alice got on my nerves so much. I guess I really liked the Wonderland itself.

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