{Interview} Glory by Devin O’Branagan

Posted February 16, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in author post, character interview, Interview / 2 Comments

Today I have Glory here with us for a character interview. Thank you for being here today Glory! 
1. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Talented, clever, and unconventionally-attractive.
2. I see you like photography. What is your favorite thing to take pictures of?
People’s faces. I believe a photo of a face can capture the truth of that person’s soul.
3. Since you have experienced this a bit yourself, do you think love triangles are thrilling or overrated?
Definitely overrated. I don’t recommend it.
4. Let’s imagine you got a day off from trying to save the world. What would your perfect day be like?
I would love to go to a Renaissance Fair and shoot images of people’s faces. I can’t imagine a more fascinating group of individuals than those who attend Ren Fairs.
5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
6. What do you think makes someone a hero?
Being afraid but performing one’s duty anyway.
7. What is your favorite supernatural creature?
The Caretakers of the Planet. I’m fascinated by them and want to learn more about the work they perform behind the scenes of life.

Seventeen-year-old Glory Templeton’s blood holds the cure for a deadly pandemic-plague, and she embarks on a quest to save humanity. When evil forces conspire to stop her, three supernatural beings are assigned to be her guardians. Forbidden love, ancient secret societies, mysterious astronomical monuments, witches, angels, vampires, and demons all contribute to the high adventure that tests the character of this remarkable young woman. The legend of Glory begins!

be sure to come back on the 18th to see my review of Glory!

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2 responses to “{Interview} Glory by Devin O’Branagan

  1. Thanks so much for interviewing Glory. She is one of my most interesting characters. In creating her I tried to imagine what would happen if I were called upon to save the world. Um, I think we would have all been in a whole lot of trouble. Glad Glory was up for the challenge!

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