{Review} The Girl by Lola St. Vil

Posted November 18, 2013 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews, Young Adult / 3 Comments

YA Review
The Girl by Lola St. Vil
Published: September 30, 2012
Age Group: YA
Series: The Guardians #1
Source: Purchased from Kindle

The prophecy says I will fall in love with team leader and Angel, Marcus Cane. The prophecy also says that our love will cause his mission to fail and end the world.
This human is not worried. Why?
Because I do not intend to fall in love with Marcus.
The truth is I hate him. I hate his warm brown eyes with flecks of gold, his chiseled face and broad shoulders.
I hate how over protective he is just because a few thousand demons are after me.
In fact, I couldn’t care less about Marcus or his perfect telekinetic girlfriend.
And when I see him holding her, I don’t die a little inside…

My Thoughts
The Girl is the first book in the Guardians series, and the world of angels, and guardians and trackers is pretty involved so there is a good bit of world building and background information setting to kind of set up the board for the series. There are tons of characters. At first I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep them all straight but Lola St. Vil did a fantastic job fleshing out all of her characters so you really get to each and every one of them. It almost seems like all of the guardians are not secondary characters. They felt like a big family to me. The girl is split into 3 or 4 sections, alternating between Emmy and Marcus’ points of view. But within each section there are multiple chapters. And sometimes the sections backtrack a little bit to cover some of the same parts of the story from the other characters point of view. In fact, I was over a 25% into the book before I even knew it was going to switch to Marcus’s point of view. I think I would have preferred switching every couple of chapters so that we wouldn’t have to backtrack and cover the same parts of the story so much further down the line. But once I got used to that writing style it didn’t phase me anymore.

Even though there are lots of other characters, this was really Emmy’s story. She holds the key to some big secret that will help good save the world, or could help evil take over. So everyone from both sides wants her. The guardians help protect her and as you could have guessed it, she falls for one of them. There seems to be some sort of connection between the two of them. On both of their parts, but Marcus has an guardian girlfriend so I felt really bad for mimi. I was totally Miku’s side (one of the other guardians). I felt like Marcus needed to sit Mimi down and have a talk with her. But he didn’t, so there is a lot of back and forth in this story. I have a feeling it will be like that for a lot of the series. I liked Emmy. She was adorable in her imperfections. She is only 15 for most of the story, so I had to keep reminding myself that she is so young. It must have been really hard on her, but she totally steps up to the plate in the end.

There is plenty of action going on and good v. the baddies fighting. But we also got to learn about some of the guardians bacstories and they even take some time out for fun. They played a game using their flying and super powers. The game kind of reminded me of a mixture of quidditch and the baseball scene from Twilight. Another thing I thought was super cool was learning about all of the supernatural tech in the story. I loved seeing new things and watching what they could each do in fights or just in every day life. There was some seriously cool stuff that Lola came up with.

The guardians series looks like it will be really interesting. Now that I know kind of know all the players, I think the action is really going to take off. I will warn you though, Lola St. Vil has no problem killing off a main character. I appreciate it because this is kind of a war so there are going to be casualties, but I was still really sad to see this person go. The Guardian series looks like it is going to be a really interesting take on angels and good v. evil. There is still so much more that needs to happen in this fight, not to mention the whole prophesy thing with the Sage about Marcus. I can’t wait to see how that all turns out.

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3 responses to “{Review} The Girl by Lola St. Vil

  1. The way the alternating points of view change is a tad weird, but I do like that they felt like one big family. I am always iffy with angels and demons but this sounds like a solid start, I will wait to see how the series develops. Great review my friend 🙂

  2. It always takes me awhile to adjust to so many characters in one book. If I do at all. I’m bad with that in real life, so books are no exception. lol. Even though I’ve been on an ‘angel hiatus’, this sounds interesting.

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