2017 Reading Challenges

Posted December 21, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 16 Comments

I cannot believe we are almost at 2017! 2016 has flown by.
I didn’t participate in any reading challenges for 2016, which was a first for me.

So I decided for one of my blogging resolutions, I would like to get back into the reading challenge mode. I love challenges because they help me grab books that are not just review books to read, like some of my older books that I have been putting on, or having found time to get to, and they force me to be more social. I love seeing other people’s progress and checking in with them.

I also am hoping to find some new blogs to love. A lot of the blogs I used to follow are no longer blogging, which makes me sad, but that really means I have an opportunity to discover new awesome blogs! So comment below with some blogs you think I should check out, or if you have a challenge I haven’t found yet, let me know that also!

ok, let’s get to it. Here are the challenges I am signing up for in 2017.

I will also use this page to update my progress.

Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge 2017

Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge 2017

Host: Alexa Loves Books & Hello, Chelly
My Summary Post
Progress: 3/30 (10%)
1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


Hosted by Alexa Loves Books & Hello, Chelly

You can sign up for the challenge HERE

Why I signed up: I love fantasy books, but I have so many older series that I have not read yet…like at all! (like the throne of glass series! Don’t shun me!) So I want to read ALL THE FANTASY books in 2017!

Goal: at least 30

Challenge Hashtag: #flightsoffantasy


  1. Harbor for the Nightingale by Kathleen Baldwin
  2. The Ninth Sorceress by Bonnie Wynne
  3. Santuary For Seers by Kathleen Baldwin

Debut Author Challenge 2017

Debut Author Challenge 2017

Host: That Artsy Reader Girl
My Summary Post
Progress: 15/12 (125%)
1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

You can sign up for the challenge HERE

Why I signed up: I love discovering new authors and Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl has made it super easy with all of her spreadsheets and goodreads groups.

Goal: at least 12

Helpful Links:

Challenge Hashtag: #2017DebAuthC


    Beat the Backlist

    Beat the Backlist

    Host: The Novel Knight
    My Summary Post
    Progress: 24/75 (32%)
    1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


    Hosted by The Novel Knight

    You can sign up for the challenge HERE

    Why I signed up: II have wayyy too many books on my TBR, and I want to show them some love. Plus I love the idea of a side challenge of sorting yourself into a house and earning points for that house!

    Goal: at least 75 books

    House: Ravenclaw! Duh!

    My TBR: I have created a goodreads shelf with over 75 books that are on my TBR, but I may add or change some of the books up as I go.

    HERE is the link to my TBR for this challenge


    Challenge Hashtag: #beatthebacklist


      Contemporary Romance 2017 Reading Challenge

      Contemporary Romance 2017 Reading Challenge

      Host: Andies ABCs
      My Summary Post
      Progress: 0/75 (0%)
      1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


      Hosted by Andies ABCS

      You can sign up for the challenge HERE

      Why I signed up: I love contemporary romances, so I couldn’t pass this one up!

      Goal: at least 75

      Challenge Hashtag:#ContRom2017


        2017 New Release Challenge

        2017 New Release Challenge

        Host: Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews & Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!
        My Summary Post
        Progress: 2/125 (2%)
        1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


        Hosted by Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews& Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!

        You can sign up for the challenge HERE

        Why I signed up: Who doesn’t love new releases! There are soo many great ones coming out in 2017 too!

        Goal: at least 125

        101-200 books per year – New Release Enthusiast

        Challenge Hashtag:#2017NewReleaseChallenge


        1. Harbor for the Nightingale by Kathleen Baldwin
        2. Santuary For Seers by Kathleen Baldwin

        2017 Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge

        2017 Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge

        Host: My Soul Called Life
        My Summary Post
        Progress: 4/12 (33%)
        1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


        Hosted by My Soul Called Life

        You can sign up for the challenge HERE

        Why I signed up: This one sounds so cool! I have never done a challenge like this one.

        Goal: 12

        Challenge Hashtag: none

        2017 Keywords

        JAN- Court, Fall, Of, Way, Deep, Thousand

        FEB- And, Rose, Promise, Every, Deception, Blazing

        MAR- Shall, Go, By, Silence, Her, Saga

        APR- From, Trigger, Tale, His, CrownMist

        MAY- Four, Wind, All, Fury, Days, Shade

        JUN- Without, Know, Good, Watch, One, Have

        JUL- Before, Final, All, Freedom, Life, Dream

        AUG- Sun, Infinite, Big, My, Wherever, Most

        SEP- Sand, From, Between, Ever, Reasons, Clash

        OCT- Darker, You, Ashes, Out, House, Sea

        NOV- Place, War, Heart, Why, Give, Meet

        DEC- Forget, Twilight, Only, Crystal, On, Will


          2017 Discussion Challenge

          Host: Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
          My Summary Post
          Progress: 0/12 (0%)
          1 January, 2017 — 31 December, 2017


          Hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

          You can sign up for the challenge HERE

          Why I signed up: This is a true challenge for me, so I decided to go for it. I always love the idea of a discussion post, but I never seen to get around to them. Reading and reviewing books is easy for me, but writing and editing a discussion post is much harder. I would like to do one of these a month.

          Goal: 12 discussion posts

          Challenge Hashtag:#LetsDiscuss2017


          None yet!

          Ready for #2017readingchallenges? @BookBriefs is! #2017NewReleaseChallenge #ContRom2017 #beatthebacklist #2017DebAuthC #flightsoffantasy Share on X

          Did I miss anything? Let me know if there is a challenge I missed and should check out! 🙂


          16 responses to “2017 Reading Challenges

          1. These are great reading challenges! I’ve never done one, but maybe I’ll do one for 2017 😀 LOVE this blog so much.

            I just started a First Pages feature, which showcases the first draft of a first page of a now-published book along with commentary from the author on how it evolved into it’s published form. Loads of fun, if you like that sort of thing. It’s here: http://www.cmmccoy.com/blog

          2. Someone mentioned a Netgalley and Edelweiss challenge, and I plan on that one, and I love the Beat the Backlist, which I also want to take part in. My friend mentioned one called #ROCKMYTBR, and I may do that over the Beat the Backlist. What do you think?

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