{Review} Playing Defense by Cate Cameron @CCameron_Author @EntangledTEEN

March 25, 2016 Uncategorized 1 ★★★★

{Review} Playing Defense by Cate Cameron @CCameron_Author @EntangledTEEN

{Review} Playing Defense by Cate Cameron @CCameron_Author @EntangledTEENPlaying Defense by Cate Cameron
Pages: 178
Published by Entangled: Crush on March 14, 2016
Series: Corrigan Falls Raiders #2
Genres: Young Adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Publisher

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains adult language, swoon-worthy kisses, and sexy hockey players. It may cause you to watch a hockey game…or ten.

Sixteen-year-old Claudia Waring has never kissed a boy. Never been popular. Never been to a hockey game. All that’s about to change. Assigned to tutor Chris Winslow, a prank-loving, gorgeous hockey player, Claudia’s perfectly planned life immediately veers off course. And she kind of likes it. But as fun as Chris is, she knows she'll never fit in his world.

After his latest prank lands him in hot water, Chris has to get serious about school or lose hockey. Not an easy thing for someone as carefree as the defenseman. The biggest problem, though, is how much he wants to help his cute, buttoned-up tutor loosen up a little. But while confidence has never been a problem for him, around Claudia, Chris is all nerves. Why would a girl as smart as her ever fall for a jock like him?

Also in this series: Winging It
YA ReviewMy Thoughts

Playing Defense is the second book in the young adult Corrigan Falls Raiders series by Cate Cameron. I really enjoyed the first book, Center Ice. It was a cute hockey story. And Playing Defense is no different. I love me some hockey and I love me a good tutoring trope, so I knew that Playing Defense would be right up my alley. And it was. Playing Defense is a fun read.

Playing Defense is told in dual narrative between Chris and Claudia. And while their romance is great, they were only one of the relationships that I adored in this book. The friendships really shined as great examples of wonderful and supportive friends. I want to see more of this in young adult books. These kinds of friendships make me just as happy as a great romantic couple does.

Chris had me wearing a perma grin on my face the whole time I was reading. He is such a smitten kitten with Claudia, that you just cannot help but think he is beyond adorable. (Case in point: I am cheesing like an idiot right now, just thinking about some of the stuff he did/said.) Playing Defense can be read as a standalone, and each of the books deals with a different couple, I would recommend reading them in order just for the fact that all of the characters are so excellent and the books are so cute that you will want to read both of them.

Bottom line: If you like cute and fluffy romances, look no further than Playing Defense. It has everything you need in a young adult contemporary- great characters, a cute romance, and awesome friends.

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About Cate Cameron

Cate Cameron grew up in the city but moved to the country in her mid-twenties and isn’t looking back. Most of her writing deals with people living and loving in small towns or right out in the sticks – when there aren’t entertainment options on every corner, other people get a lot more interesting!

She likes to write stories about real people struggling with real issues. YA, NA, or contemporary romance, her books are connected by their emphasis on subtle humor and characters who are trying to do the right thing, even when it would be a lot easier to do something wrong.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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