{Review+Giveaway} Unchosen by Michele Vail

November 8, 2013 Reviews, Young Adult 4 ★★★½

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Unchosen is the second book in the Reaper Diaries series. If you are new to the series, check out my review of the first book, Undeadly HERE

YA Review
Unchosen by Michele Vail
Release date: October 29th 2013
Publisher: A Freeman Publication
Age Group: YA
Series: The Reaper Diaries #2unchosencover
Source: eARC from Author

I thought the worst of my reaper training was behind me… turns out I was wrong. Dead wrong.
Molly Bartolucci has done a lot of growing up but after being accused of using illegal magic at her school for necromancers, reaper-in-training Molly is treading lightly. As the destined leader of Anubis’s Chosen, she needs to study hard, train harder, and stay out of trouble.
Uh, right.
It doesn’t help that she’s feeling more than academic about her melt-your-bones hot reaping instructor, Rath. And if her relationship drama isn’t enough to drive her over the edge, she has to deal with mother issues, nosy little sisters, suspicious friends, and an unnamed force stalking her at school.
Then her family is attacked, and her bio-dad ends up comatose in the hospital. Now, Molly has to uncover who’s trying to hurt her loved ones—and all without the help of Anubis.

My Thoughts
Unchosen is the second book in the reaper diaries series. I really enjoyed the plot line of the first book so I was really excited for Unchosen. I have mixed feelings about this book in the reaper diaries series. Overall, I enjoyed it. I thought it was a good plot progression for the series, but I felt like it was kind of slow in parts and there were large chunks of the book where I wasn’t really sure that anything was happening. However, I saw a lot of great growth for Molly as a character and that made me really happy. I know a lot of people took issue with Molly in the first book, and while I didn’t dislike her for being immature and her language, I did notice that she wasn’t the most mature teen in the world. I thought it made her REALISTIC though, and I appreciated that. In Unchosen though, I could see Molly growing up. I got to see more of her thought process and I understood her a little better in this story and I loved that.
Molly has a lot going on. She still has the whole gang from the first book, including class mates and teachers that are not her biggest fan, but now she also has a soul box in her possession and gets into trouble with the school. Plus this new lawyer lady showing up and with her crazy connection to anubis the plot certainly thickens in this installment in the reaper diaries. I liked learning new things about Molly and her powers, but I felt like it was a bit too much information at once sometimes. I found myself getting kind of confused or lost at certain points. Sometimes I would have a hard time keeping track of the  info and other times I wouldn’t quiet know why the characters were doing what they were doing. It’s hard to explain but I didn’t really know what direction they were going in sometimes. BUT, eventually it all comes together. I figured it out and got caught up, no problem. I enjoyed Unchosen. I think it will be a great connector between the first book and the next book in the series. The third book is set up to be AWESOME, by the way!
The romance was kind of light for most of the book, but that didn’t bother me at all because this was Molly’s story. She was trying to figure things out and she was pretty busy! She was getting attacked left and right it seemed like, so I don’t know where she would have had time for much of anything else. Unchosen is a fresh take on reapers. I really like the mix of egyptian mythology into the story. That is still my favorite part. Overall, I think that Molly stepped up her game in this book and I loved that, but I also thought that the plot was a bit slow and suffered a bit of “middle book syndrome”. I am certainly interested to see what is going to happen in the next book though. I think it is going to be epic!
michelevailAbout the Author

Michele Vail is the author of The Reaper Diaries, a young adult paranormal series set in the modern world with a zombie twist. The stories center on 16-year-old Molly Bartolucci, a reaper-in-training who’s learning to deal with love, destiny, and death.
Michele Vail is the pen name of national bestselling paranormal romance author Michele Bardsley (who also writes thriller mysteries under Michele Freeman). The Reaper Diaries consist of three books: Undeadly, Unchosen, and Unbroken.
www.michelevail.com | www.thereaperdiaries.com

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4 Responses to “{Review+Giveaway} Unchosen by Michele Vail”

  1. Heidi Rainy Day Ramblings

    I wasn’t a fan of Molly and her immaturity in the first book and so this series and I parted ways. I sounds like I am not missing a whole lot in this one. Thanks for the informative review, Michelle.

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