{Review+G!veaway} Blood Debt by Nancy Straight

Posted November 19, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 13 Comments

Welcome to my stop on the Blood Debt book tour. I loved this book, so I hope you guys will check this book out. 
ebook194 pages
Published July 15th 2012 by CreateSpace
Age Group: YA
Source: ecopy from author
Series: Touched #1
Buy the Book: Amazon


Her whole life, it had just been the two of them. Before her mother’s last breath, she gave Camille the information she had craved her entire life: the identity of her father. Daring to contact him, Camille was welcomed by an entire family she never knew existed. But nothing comes without a price, as she discovers when her family claims a legendary heritage tracing back to a centaur touched by Zeus.
As she learns the secrets of her Centaur bloodline, she is drawn into a forbidden love with Drake. Her life may be the blood debt required to pay for her mother’s transgressions. The same person who once held her mother captive, and forced her into decades of hiding, now controls Camille. Her only chance is to seek a piece of her mother’s past that will win her freedom and the life she desperately wants.

Blood Debt is my first centaur book. I have to say that I was expecting the horse creatures from Harry Potter and I was wondering how much I would enjoy a book about half horse creatures, but Nancy Straight’s take on centaurs was so interesting! They weren’t horses at all, they were just characterized as such because of how fast the men centaurs can run. I loved the magical world that was created in Blood Debt and I thought Nancy did an awesome job answering any questions we might have while still holding just enough cards in her pocket to make the story seem a bit mysterious. 

The story follows Camille, or Cami as she preferred to be called. I really liked her. She was strong and independent but she had a tendency to be kind of rude through her stubbornness. I get that she doesn’t like the ways and the customs of the centaurs but I thought she could have at least been a little more understanding. Her family was nothing but nice, warm and welcoming to her, and they never tried to force her into anything that she didn’t want. I just thought she could have tried a little harder to be ok with things, or at least to not sound so rude in her refusals. But other than that I didn’t have any problems with her. I liked her and I loved Drake. There was just something about him. He seems so pure and good. I had to stop reading for a while because of something that Camille’s grandmother did to him in the book because I liked him so much. 

I think that I would be an awesome centaur. I love how powerful women are in their society. They are really the ones that call a lot of the shots. They get to pick their husband out of tons of eligible guys and the guys are all tripping over themselves to get picked by a female centaur to continue on their family bloodline. There are way, way more men than their are women in centaur society. Plus the girls get all the cool gifts. I would be a little freaked out by all the mind reading and future seeing going on if I were Cami. 

Blood Debt is such an awesome concept. Fans of YA paranormal romances need to check out this series. And the best part is that the second book is coming out pretty soon, I think. So not a ton of wait time inbetween books. Personally, I want the second book right now because I need to see what on earth is going on with Cami’s friend Daniel from back home. I feel like there is something big there that we just don’t have all the pieces to yet. Plus all of this Lost Herd business. I am dying to find out! Such a great book, it exceeded all of my expectations.

4.5/5 gavels
About the Author:
Nancy was born in Sioux City Iowa, left the cold of the Midwest in 1991 and only returns to see family in the summer time. She spent ten years traveling the world as a US Marine and settled in rural SC.  She has two fantastic son, three rotten dogs and an amazing husband.  When not writing she enjoys RVing with her family, swimming and reading all types of romance genres.  Her favorite is paranormal romance.

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13 responses to “{Review+G!veaway} Blood Debt by Nancy Straight

  1. Great review and I am glad you shared it..the cover looks like its for a romance novel…although the title threw me..but I never would have guested about the paranormal tale dwelling within..this sounds cool.

  2. I haven’t ever read a book on a centaur before either and so this would be something new and different and that is always a bonus for me. I am glad to hear that the magical world is done well, I appreciate detailed world building!

  3. Like you I was a little leery about the centaur premise, but with your explanation it sounds like a fun read. Thank you so much for sharing with us, definitely intrigued and looking forward to the read.

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