{Review+G!veaway} Walking in the Shadows by Cassandra Giovanni

November 10, 2012 Giveaways, Reviews 2

Welcome to my stop on the walking in the Shadows blog tour. 🙂 

Check out my review of the book and there is also a sweet giveaway at the bottom of the post. Let me know what you think.

ebook490 pages
Published:  October 31, 2012 by Cassandra Giovanni
Age Group: YA
Source: eARC from author
Series: Standalone
Buy this Book:Amazon


Seconds seem like a lifetime when the life you lived is slowly drained out of you by those who care not what you felt, hoped, or dreamed. When the darkness comes it is all-consuming; there is no light and there is no pain. It is the never-ending loss of hope that now consumes me as I die in his arms.
This is Abigail Martin’s nightmare. After her parents become the first victims of a serial killer obsessed with the vampire saga, “Crimson Reign,” Abigail does the only thing that she thinks will save her from her parent’s fate–she becomes some one else. As Vera MacIntrye, she falls in love with the very handsome Tad Knightley, and then walks into her first day at her new school to see him standing at the front of the classroom. He’s every teenage girls fantasy, but as he writes “Mr. Knightley: AP British Literature” across the white board Vera realizes the one person who filled the gaping hole in her heart will soon rip it wide open again.
Vera struggles to adjust to being a ‘normal’ teenager with very adult responsibilities like paying the rent, buying groceries and making sure that lights stay on, while being drawn time and time again back to her off-limits teacher. What’s worse is he is drawn to her too, and their worlds refuse to stay apart when Tad finds Vera screaming in terror in the parking lot after the winter formal. The murderer has struck again and is getting closer to the next target–Vera. Tad will do whatever he can to save her, even if it means losing his dream job, but will it be enough when the murderer is closer than anyone ever thought?

Walking in the Shadows is a powerful book. It is about many different things. At first you could think of it primarily as a type of forbidden love story. But on the other hand you can think of it primarily as an epic and unique murder mystery thriller. And finally you can think of it as a very moving and sad yet beautiful coming of age story. I enjoyed Walking in the Shadows a lot.

Vera is such a lovely girl. I felt such pain for what she had to go through. Because of events in her past, she has walled herself off from everyone. This is common in YA books, but Vera is super stubborn. She has such a hard time letting anyone in for anything. I loved her and Tad. He really did seem to be great for her. What I loved most about Walking in the Shadows was watching Vera grow enough to start making real connections in her life. I loved that she made a friend in Jaz and that Jaz was such a good friend to her. I think there needs to be more real quality friends in books.

I loved the plot of Walking in the Shadows. There are murders based off a popular vampire series. The killer drained the victims blood and made puncture wounds in their necks. How nuts is that? But it is also about a taboo relationship that I ended up loving right from the very start. My only criticism is that I wished the very beginning of the story could have been a little more clear. I understood what was going on, but I didn’t really know much about Tad’s backstory or why things were the way they were between him and Vera at the start of the book, but it wasn’t something that really affected the story or my enjoyment of it. I just had a few questions I wanted answered.

Overall, Walking in the Shadows is a great book. Whether you like thrillers, romances, or gritty contemporaries, you should check out Walking in the Shadows. There is something for everyone and the story really resonated with me. 

3.5/5 gavels

You can buy Book Merchandise and signed novels HERE

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My website: www.cgiovanni.com

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Michelle @ Book Briefs

2 Responses to “{Review+G!veaway} Walking in the Shadows by Cassandra Giovanni”

  1. Denise Z

    I really enjoy a book that I can become emotionally involved with the characters. It certainly looks like Walking in the Shadows does that. Thank you for sharing with us today.

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