What I’m Loving Right Now (& Waiting on Wednesday)

November 18, 2015 Uncategorized, waiting on wednesday 43

waiting on wednesday

This week I am waiting on….


Expected publication: April 19th 2016 by Razorbill

Meet Scarlett Epstein, BNF (Big Name Fan) in her online community of fanfiction writers, world-class nobody at Melville High. Her best (read: only) IRL friends are Avery, a painfully shy and annoyingly attractive bookworm, and Ruth, her pot-smoking, possibly insane seventy-three-year-old neighbor.

When Scarlett’s beloved TV show is canceled and her longtime crush, Gideon, is sucked out of her orbit and into the dark and distant world of Populars, Scarlett turns to the fanfic message boards for comfort. This time, though, her subjects aren’t the swoon-worthy stars of her fave series—they’re the real-life kids from her high school. Scarlett never considers what might happen if they were to find out what she truly thinks about them…until a dramatic series of events exposes a very different reality than Scarlett’s stories, forever transforming her approach to relationships—both online and off.


Why am I waiting on it?

This blurb says it all: “If Amy Schumer and Rainbow Rowell had a baby, she’d be Anna Breslaw.” umm, HECK YES PLEASE!!!!! Plus it is about fanfiction and I kind of liked am totally obsessed with fanfiction. (Gilmore Girls TRORY & Literati and Harry Potter Dramione all day long!)

I think Scarlett Epstein looks hilarious and awesome and I need it in my life right now! I would chew off my right arm for to get my hands on Scarlett Epstein. No joke.

Come see why Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here by @annabreslaw is @BookBriefs TOP WoW pick of the year! @RazorbillBooks #YA Click To Tweet

What I am loving right now:

I recently did a GIF post on some of my biggest fears and phobias with Gena Showalter, and I loved putting it together and sharing something more personal with you guys, so I wanted to share some more. (and this time it will be much lighter)

I have two new things in my life that I have been completely loving. I am pretty obsessed with both of them in fact. So I wanted to share them with you, and I also have some TV show loves I wanted to share.

  1. My New Kindle Voyage!

My parents got it for me for my birthday last month and I haven’t put it down since. It is so much lighter than my old kindle. I loved my kindle keyboard but it was about 5 years old and just wasn’t holding a charge anymore. But my voyage is so freaking slim and light, and the side sensors are awesome (they were the main reason I chose the voyage over the new paperwhite) and the backlit screen makes me wonder how I ever read on my old kindle without it.

P.S. Amazon is running a special right now and if you buy the bundle pack (comes with a cover and adapter) you save $30. I wish I got that deal haha You can check that out here if you are interested. If you don’t like that case though, I got this case for my kindle and it is so perfect. It is lightweight, great quality, comes in a ton of colors and was really inexpensive. 2. Planners and Planner stickers

Here’s the thing, I love my google calendar for my book blog calendar and my work calendar, and it works great for keeping me organized in that sense, but for my to do lists and daily productivity items, I have tried every electronic thing under the sun. I just don’t use them. What I use is pen and paper. I have to jot things down and be able to see them in front of my face and hold them. I love technology but I constantly find myself writing sticky to-dos, and don’t even get me started for my when I was in school. I was that girl that color coded her planner.

So I decided that 2016 I was going to go all out, I was going to get an Erin Condren paper planner. As I started to go down the internet rabbit hole of “research” I saw that there was A WHOLE PLANNER COMMUNITY! (and this is a whole post/discussion in and of itself so I will stop right there and save it for another day.) Suffice it to say, I got hooked. I even started making little reading stickers and reading to do lists to put in my planners.

My 2016 planner is also going to be a journal of sorts for me to catalog my year. So I want to track my reading and reviews weekly so I can flip back any time and see what I was reading when.

Next up I am going to make read-a-thon stickers to track my read-a-thon progress. And I am super excited about it.

If you want to know more about the planner community go to youtube and search “plan with me” your mind will be blown!

Is that weird? Does anyone else find the idea of paper planners and stickers fun? Do you keep a paper planner?

3. TV shows

I love funny, I love drama filled reality, I love over the top parody, and that pretty much sums up my list. (Murdoch mysteries doesn’t fall into any of those categories, but it is just a really great Netflix find that I am loving!)

Here is a quick & dirty rundown of the shows:

  • Scream Queens: Heathers meets Pretty Little Liars. Totally hilarious. And let me tell you- the writers of the show are not afraid to go there.
  • The People’s Couch: Watch different families and friends watch currently weekly top shows. This show cracks me up. I love watching their reactions and commentary on the shows, actors, clothes and everything else. At least once an episode I hear someone say something that I said while watching the show. If you have not watched this one, and you are a tv junkie, give it a try! (on Bravo)
  • The Amazing Race: My favorite out of the CBS reality shows. I would kill to race around the world. Just enough drama to be interesting, but enough interesting stops and challenges to keep reality haters wanting to tune in.
  • Brooklyn 99: Show about a precinct of cops in Brooklyn. The entire cast is HILARIOUS. Don’t ask me to choose a favorite. I won’t do it.
  • Vanderpump Rules: juiciest of the drama filled reality shows and I cannot get enough of it. Sorry I’m not sorry.
  • The League: totally raunchy show about a group of friends in a fantasy football league. If you like NFL and you are not easily offended, you need to be watching this show.
  • Crazy Ex- Girlfriend: a semi-musical sitcom about a very crazy girl who travels across the country for a guy she dated for a few months when she was 15. The writing and songs are on point, and completely funny. The main characters is super crazy though- like makes me cringe and say “is she really doing that?” every episode, but I am enjoying this one. She is relate-able in a crazy way.
  • Murdoch Mysteries: Murder mystery show that takes place in 1890. Think turn of the century CSI. But it is really more like Castle mixed with Sherlock (the BBC version) and a touch of Warehouse 13 thrown in for fun. This show is really well done and there are a TON of seasons on Netflix.

@BookBriefs breaks down what TV shows she is loving, talks new kindles & has her mind blown by a planner Click To Tweet

Ok time for you to weigh in, what books are you waiting on? What TV shows are you watching? And do you use a paper planner or am I totally old school?

Let me know in the comments below 🙂

Michelle @ Book Briefs

43 Responses to “What I’m Loving Right Now (& Waiting on Wednesday)”

  1. kindlemom1

    I love my Paperwhite and you’re right, once you have that backlight, you can never go back!

    Okay, I so need to check out the book you mentioned, it looks fabulous and I need to check out Murdoch Mysteries! It sounds like my kind of show! I don’t know how I’ve missed it on Netflix.

  2. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I love the storyline of a girl with no real friends except a shy girl and an old lady…who smokes pot. I want to know more about that old lady! LOL

    Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog…and congrats on the new Kindle. My paperwhite that I call Pippa is still working nicely, so I’m not in the market. But who knows when?

  3. Traci @ The Reading Geek

    Great pick! I just added Scarlett Epstein to my list. It sounds so good! I was sold on it as soon as I read the first line of the summary. Also that’s great to hear about the Kindle Voyage. I have the old Kindle with the keyboard right now and have been considering getting a new one for a while now.

    Traci @ The Reading Geek

  4. Alahna

    ooh I can’t wait to read Scarlet Epstein Hates it Here either. It’s one of the books I am most looking forward to for 2016. And Scream Queens is great. I am like 2 episodes behind but it is the only show my boyfriend will watch with me!

  5. Britt @ Please Feed The Bookworm

    Hi! you know, this isnt usually type of book BUT this one looks fantastic!! I just added it to my TBR so thank you dear for contributing to my ever growing pile. Ohhh fancy new kindle…me likey. I also just started watching Scream Queens, it is so freakin hilarious and ridiculous that I love it!! Great life choices!
    <3 Britt @ Please Feed The Bookworm

  6. Kim

    That sounds like a really good book! Adding it to my wishlist now. I’ve wondered about Scream Queens, but never watched an episode. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for visiting my WoW! Happy reading!

  7. Denise @ I am Shelfless

    I haven’t heard of Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here so thank you so much for your pick — I’m a fan of fanfiction too!!! I don’t watch TV (yeahh) because sleep takes a lot of my time haha! I do use paper planners 🙂
    I only use electronic when there’s school work deadlines and schedule of exams.

  8. LilyElement

    Too much awesome stuff in this post! First off your WoW choice has me intrigued 😀 I used to keep a paper planner instead of an online one. I’m trying not to go back to that since I know I’ll go nuts and buy a ton of stuff for it lol I’m going to have to watch Murdoch Mysteries, sounds right up my alley!

  9. Laura@125Pages

    All the yeses to Scream Queens, so good. And your WoW sounds amazing. I loved Fangirl and liked that interplay between the story and the story in the story. Now I have to add this to my TBR. Great choice!

  10. Marian

    That blurb is amazing. haha After I read about Anna Breslaw here I immediately went and checked out her stuff on goodreads. This book sounds like something I’d want to read.

  11. Kayla

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

    I haven’t heard of your pick before, but I just added it to my TBR list. It sounds like something I’d really enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Lily

    Oh i am totally loving Scream Queens too but i’ve also been meaning to start watching Crazy Ex–Girlfriend. The title always make me laugh.

  13. Sandra

    Oh, this sounds perfect for me. I’ll have to add it to my tbr. Thanks for sharing!
    Thank you for stopping by My WoW earlier.

  14. Petra

    Oh, this book sounds really good. I’ll definitely add it to my TBR. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW earlier. 🙂 ps. My favorite TV-Show is Arrow. And I’ve been meaning to watch Scream Queens, but I just haven’t had the time yet. 🙂

  15. Eve

    Haha this sounds interesting. I will have to add it to my list, I too fell into the world of FanFic and understand the pain of a canceled show you love 😉

  16. Yvonne @ A World Between Folded Pages

    Okay, that blurb for your WoW pick sounds freaking amazing! I’m intrigued and definitely add it to my TBR list! I used to LOVE fanfics and read SO MANY … now I barely read them anymore but I guess after reading this book I would want to again, haha 😀

  17. Sarah

    Your WOW pick sounds amazing! I’m kind of addicted to fanfic too 🙂

    Vanderpump Rules is so addictive. It’s one of those reality shows that really sucks you in.

  18. Stormi

    I am more of a cop show drama type person but I have been watching Scream Queens (mostly rolling my eyes while I do, but it’s kind of funny.) I watching NCIS, NCIS:NO, Castle, Bones, Criminal Minds, well you get the picture…lol. :)My comedy show is Mysteries of Laura and it’s still a cop show…lol. 🙂 I love Murdock Mysteries!!

    I would love a paperwhite or voyage kindle!

  19. Laura

    Sounds like Scarlett Epstein gets some heavy lessons. But sounds like her friends might help lighten things up a little – especially the older neighbor. My Kindle Keyboard is starting to have problems now too. It’s probably just a tad younger than yours was. Nice to know you’re liking the new one.

  20. kimbacaffeinate

    I keep eying the Voyage Kindle. I have a Nook HD, so the kindle app is on there, but it sucks for reading outside. Does it have text to voice on it? I haven’t watched any of the shows you are watching so I will check them out.

  21. Kar @ Pause Time

    I hadn’t seen this one around. It sounds like something that I would love. I’ll definitely check it out.
    I also have a Kindle Voyage and you’re right… it’s so much lighter than the previous versions! I use it for everything now, including my classes, so anyone who’d ask me to see what’s on my Kindle would be completely confused at the eclectic mix. LOL
    Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  22. Brandi @ Brandi Janee's Bookshelf

    This books sounds interesting and I’m going to add it to my tbr. I love my kindle paper white. It’s crazy because I just got into planning. I bought an Erin condren for myself for my birthday back in July and I’ve been buying stickers lately. I love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  23. Tiffany H.

    Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here sounds like it could be a really fun read. I hadn’t heard of it before and now I’m really not sure why. Thanks for the great pick!!

    As for planners and stickers… Well, I may have to invest in the stickers because until you mentioned them I forgot just how much fun they are. When it comes to planners, I actually do better at remembering things if I write them out and have that as a reminder. This being said I lost mine at the start of the year and never replaced it… I’m now headed out to buy one for next year and maybe regain some organization lol

    Thanks for stopping by our WoW on Lady Reader Bookstuff <3

  24. Bethany

    Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here sounds amazing, I’ll definitely be adding it to my to-read list. Great pick! I may not have read anything by Amy Schumer but I love the books I’ve read so far by Rainbow Rowell.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  25. Lynn

    Wow – chew off your arm to get hold of a copy – you REALLY want this book! LOL. Hope you get your mits on a copy soon.
    Lynn 😀

  26. Katiria Rodriguez

    Ohh great pick this one looks and sounds really amazing and fun and right up my alley. Thank you for stopping by my blog. 🙂

  27. Maria Behar

    Oh, what a FUNNY and AWESOME post!! LOVED it!!

    First of all, I really like your WOW pick! I love fanfics myself, and, in fact used to write some. I can recommend a site named fanfiction.net. Maybe you already know about it, but if you don’t, check it out! They have all kinds of fandom stories on there!

    As far as TV shows go, my favorite is “Once Upon A Time”, which airs on Sunday nights, but I haven’t seen it in a while. During the week, I am unable to watch TV at all (except for stupid daytime shows, which I hate), because I have a night job. I go in at 4:00 PM, and leave at 9:30 PM. That pretty much takes care of prime time…..

    As for planning, I’m not the type that uses stickies or planners. I’m pretty much a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person. I wish I could be more organized, but that’s not in my genes, I guess. Lol. I admire your organizational stamina!

    So sorry for the late reply…..I do apologize. I got a little busy. But I do always try to comment back. And….better late than never, right?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my own WOW!! : )

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