{Excerpt+Giveaway} Robot Universe by Ana Matronic @MsAnaMatronic

November 7, 2015 Giveaways 0

Do you Love robots as much as I do? I am just fascinated by all that they can do now, and I love to see them in books, movies, and tv shows, whether they are realistic with our current technology or more advanced. Sometimes the more advanced robots that take place in futuristic books and movies are even more fun to imagine. (and sometimes way scarier)

Robot Universe is the perfect gift for any Robot lover in your life. Check out the book information and be sure to enter the giveaway below to win a copy for yourself or a friend!

{Excerpt+Giveaway} Robot Universe by Ana Matronic @MsAnaMatronicRobot Universe: Legendary Automatons and Androids from the Ancient World to the Distant Future by Ana Matronic
Pages: 224
Published by Sterling on November 10, 2015

Explore the Robot Universe, and discover the hundred most epic androids and automatons from myth, through popular culture, to modern-day machines.

Robot aficionado Ana Matronic—vocalist with world-famous band Scissor Sisters—explores their creation, design, purpose, and how they have comforted, fascinated, or terrified us across the ages and galaxies, profiling key sidekicks, servants, saviors, murder machines, cyborgs, and others in every genre. In-depth features cover special focus topics, such as robots in art and fashion, video games and comics, and music.

This richly illustrated collection deftly shows how we have defined and redefined robots, why they capture our imagination, and why they’re here to stay, ending with a look at real-life robots from early prototypes to what lies in our robotic future.


check out some of the iconic robots that are featured!
click on the pictures to enlarge them


Pages from Robot Takeover 7 May_Page_008

Pages from Robot Takeover 7 May_Page_011


To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below to win 1 hardcover copy of Robot Universe


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About Ana Matronic

Ana Matronic is a musician, performer, radio presenter, DJ, and visual artist best known as the female lead of the internationally acclaimed band Scissor Sisters. A lifetime of loving robots inspired her stage name as well as the bionic circuitry tattoo on her right arm. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband, Seth Kirby, and her cat, Izzy.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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