{Review+G!veaway} Never Land by Kailin Gow

October 7, 2012 Giveaways, Reviews 11

BB Book Tours
Welcome to my stop on the Never Land tour! I have a review of Never Land along with two awesome giveaways for you!

You can check out my review of Never Say Never (book 1) HERE

160 pages
Published: September 24, 2012 by theEDGEbooks.com
Source: ARC from author
Age Group: New Adult
Series: The Never Knights #2
Buy this Book:Amazon

Book Details:

Welcome to Never Land, the land of Never and the world of rock, the world of new experiences and sensations, a world where music runs through the veins of the dedicated, and love is taken and given with consequences. Never (Neve) Knight, the lead singer and manager of a band filled with the hottest guys in rock  finally gets the dream that she wanted:  a label signing her band The Never Knights.  It is what she always wanted, a band of her own and playing her own kind of music. Getting her band to where it was came at a high price, including giving up the man who makes her heart race and her blood pound, the man who caused her to nearly lose her band.   As she gets ready to go on her world tour, fate brings her close to Danny Blue again, and she’s not sure if she can give him up a second time even if it means losing the band. 

I have read a good amount of books by Kailin Gow but this is my first second in a series book that I have read of hers, and I really like it! I think she is good at giving just enough background from the first book to bring you up to speed. Never Land drops you right into the action of a concert, just like the first book. I really liked that they each started out on the same kind of tone.

From the first page of Never Land, it is very fast paced. There is never a dull or slow moment in the whole book. I flew through reading it in only a couple of short hours. It kept my interest the whole time and has left me really excited for the third book.

As I mentioned in my review of Never say Never, there are lots of guys that wished they had Neve’s attention. I like Danny and Luc a lot, but I have finally made up my mind who I like more. I can proudly say that I am now a huge Luc fan! I feel like we got to know each of the guys a little bit better in this book. I like Danny I just don’t like how Neve is always running back to him no matter what.

Never Land deals with some deeper and more serious issues, and there was plenty of drama. I felt bad for Neve because she always seemed to be in the middle of it, but it wasn’t her fault. Fans of the first book will love the sequel- I enjoyed it even more than the first book. It fits in the new adult (which I am completely loving right now!) category perfectly.

3.8/5 Gavels

You can check out what I thought of the first book in the Never Knights series, Never Say Never by reading my review HERE

Author Bio:

Kailin Gow is the author of over 100 books, with the majority of them for young adults. Her most popular series are: The Frost Series, PULSE Series, Desire Series, Wicked Woods, Steampunk Scarlett Novels, and more. A full-time author, she is also a producer, having worked in radio, television, and film. She grew up in Southern California, lived in Texas and England, and had traveled extensively around the world.

Author Links:

There are two giveaways, one on Kailin’s blog for a coach purse and one here on this blog (the rafflecopter at the bottom) 

  • *signed* copy of Never Say Never, Saving You Saving Me, and Loving Summer 
  • $25 Amazon Gift Card?
  • To enter: fill out the rafflecopter at the bottom of the post

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Michelle @ Book Briefs

11 Responses to “{Review+G!veaway} Never Land by Kailin Gow”

  1. Kristin @ My ParaHangover

    Great review!! I promoted this one, too and I’m glad to see that as a second book in a series, it held up against the first! But you read it in an afternoon?!?! Holy Moses, Batman!! You’re amazing…

  2. Dynie

    I loved your review on this book. It really got me interested because you felt the action kept going from the 1st book. Also the fact that you want to continue reading this series tells me that it’s one that I would really want read. I like that your reviews aren’t so long and involved that they’re almost another book.

  3. Kaci Verdun

    Thanks for the great review! I’ve seen this book out alot lately and I may have to add it to my Goodreads TBR – I enjoy reading about YA rock bands!

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