August RAK Summary

Posted September 1, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in / 2 Comments

Book Soulmates

 I think the Random Acts of Kindness program hosted by Book Soulmates is such a great program and I love participating in it.
This month I sent out 3 books to 2 different people and I received 1 book in the mail! 🙂


Kelsey from Kelsey’s Book Corner was so kind and she sent me Poison Study by Mari V. Snyder. I have wanted to read this book for such a long time so I was super excited! Go check out her blog 🙂
Then I sent out Wildefire by Karsetn Knight to Laurel. She was so happy when she got it and wrote me a really nice email.
Then , I saw Kristen who had all the mediator books on her wish list and Im such a fan of Meg cabot that I had to d her the first 4 books in the series in two bind ups. 
Im going to be participating in the September RAK program again, and I hope to send out even more books this month. Thank you so much Book Soulmates for hosting this awesome event.
I accept both physical books and kindle books

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