In My Mailbox (7)

June 6, 2011 In my mailbox 1

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox was inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie and created by Kristi at The Story Siren
 Last week I told you that I was on a book buying ban, and that you would not be seeing anymore “bought” books for a while. Well…. 

This week I have some “bought” books. But they were on a big sale and they were from a gift card so I didn’t spend any of my savings money, so it was not too big of a break. But it was still kind of cheating. Bad Michelle! They are all e-books and they were all 2.99 or less. (most were .99!)

For Review: (both from NetGalley)

Bought: (all ebooks for kindle)


Thank you so much to Cassay @ Vamps, Weres and Cassay for sending me this book! 
Thank you so much to Rebecca @ Kindle Fever for sending me this book for my kindle! I am so excited! 
Thank you so much to Kati @ Romancing Rakes for sending me this book for my kindle!

Check out all their awesome blogs!

This is everything I got in my mailbox this week. My kindle is super happy this week! It got all kinds of great goodies. Tell me what you got in the comments below! 


Michelle @ Book Briefs

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