Oxford is almost over!

August 6, 2011 update 0

I can’t believe my time in Oxford is ending. These past 5 weeks have flown by! I am already done with my classes and starting on Monday, I have finals. Eeek! Oxford is amazing, and there is so much to see and do. There was not enough time for it all.

When I get back home, I will be doing a post with some videos and pictures from my trip. Here are some of the highlights though. In Oxford, I went to:

  • Ashmoleon Museum in Oxford
  • Christ Church (where various Harry Potter scenes were filmed)
  • St. Edmunds Hall, Oxford University (this is where I studied and lived)
  • I think all the pubs in Oxford. (favorites are Head of the River, White Horse, and the Turf)

 Other Places I visited:

  • London
  • Stratford
  • Dublin
  • Amsterdam
  • The Hague

Once I get home next week, I have some great things planned for the blog. Lots of reviews, and some interesting (hopefully) discussion posts. And I will be starting up IMM and Follow Friday again.

Dont forget to enter my Giveaway of 5 copies of Tower of Parlen Min! CLICK HERE TO ENTER

Don’t Forget to enter my Summer blog hop Giveaway of an ARC of Wildfire! CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

Some Pictures:

St. Edmunds Hall- I got to live here! 

                                                    The View from my room

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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