Update and question

Posted June 28, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in update / 1 Comment

On Sunday I am leaving to go to Oxford University. I will be studying abroad there from July 4-August 11. I’m going to be taking some law classes and traveling to nearby countries on the weekend. I have only been to Europe once before with Girl Scouts, so this is an incredible opportunity for me. I am super excited! My blog will continue as normal as possible and I will still be doing book reviews.
My question for you is, would you like to see updates on my trip and study abroad experience and travels as well as my book reviews? I can do updates, pictures, vlogs(videos) or any combination of the three if you guys would be interested in them. 
Please let me know and also let me know in the comments or the form below of any interesting sites or places I should visit while I am in England. (I am also making trips to Paris, Dublin, Amsterdam, and a few other places as well so feel free to leave suggestions for those too!)
If you could please take a few moments to fill out this form and let me know what you would like, I would really really appreciate it.
P.S. The dorm that I will be living in at Oxford has a dining hall that was where the great hall was filmed for the harry potter movies!! So cool, right??



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