{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of September 8-13th

Posted September 13, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in In my mailbox, stacking the shelves, Sunday Post, weekly recap / 18 Comments

Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and

Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Hey guys! How has your week been?
I am over this hot weather. Bring on the cooler temps please!
I was trying to be so good with review books this week but then an awesome package of books showed up and blew all that to smithereens. But in the best way of course!

Books I got this week:

*Thank you so much to Lyrical Press,  Kensington, Penguin Group, InterMix, NAL, Harper Collins, Katherine Tegen Books, HarperTeen, and all of the authors for these awesome books! *
(Click on the book covers to go to the book goodreads/amazon page)




 And in the mail:
Image (6)

blueboughtAre you guys ready? I found 2 FREE kindle books this week.

As always, you can follow me on Twitter (@BookBriefs) so you never miss the books when they are free.
I tweet out FREE YA, NA and Adult books at least 2 times a week.

**Be sure to check prices before buying
(Covers go to amazon page)**

Weekly Recap

This week on the blog I brought you:
I had some really great giveaways and ARC reviews this week. Check them out 🙂
Next Week on the Blog:
*Note: These are not final. Some posts may change*
{Review} The Hook Up by Kristen Callihan
{Release Day Review+Giveaway} Dire by Alyssa Rose Ivy
{Review+Giveaway} Make it Right by Megan Erickson
{Review+Giveaway} A Blind Spot for Boys
{Review} Deep Blue by Jules Barnard
{Event} Next Big Book In YA Event!
{Review} Official Blog Tour for the Vault of Dreamers
{Review+Giveaway} Into the Fire by Ashlyn Drake
{Review} Bespoken by Marie Michelle Coleman
{Giveaway} Stuck in a good Book Giveaway Hop
And there might an additional review or 2 thrown in there, but it depends on my reading moods this week



Have you entered these awesome giveaways?

Click on the banners to enter

         storm siren houseimmortal OrangePrizePack 2014 debut authors bash banner monsters_website Blog Tour Banner RKOW BT Banner Blood Beyond Darkness tour banner
Leave me links to your Sunday posts/stacking the shelves in the comments and I will check them out 🙂

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18 responses to “{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of September 8-13th

  1. Dang, woman, that’s a lot of books! Illusions of Fate… loved it!

    It has been stupid hot here too. I love summer, but I could do with a little drop. Hope you have a great week, Michelle!

  2. Have some of our rain! 😉 Though, I don’t want warm weather either, when you’re used to cold and rain hot weather is killer. 🙁 I LOVED Illusions of Fate, so damn adorable. 🙂 Happy reading!

  3. Jenna @ Rather Be Reading YA

    It’s definitely cooler weather here, and I’m catching a cold. I need to get used to it being this cold. It’s not so bad outside in the sun, but in the house, it’s very chilly.

    Oops, just realized I forgot to include my Tackle Your TBR update in my Sunday post. Oh well, I’ll get it next week with a wrapup.

  4. Oooh! Lots of wonderful new books this week. I can’t wait to dive into Promise Me This. If all goes as planned, it’s on tap for me this week. I got Echoes of Scotland Street and Before You Break this week, too. I love getting those Penguin packages. Totally made my day. 🙂

    I’m so excited the cooler temps are here, too. I’m going back home for a football game next weekend and it will be perfect football weather. LOVE it. I have a thing for cardigans and hoodies.

    Hope you have a great week!

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