{Review+G!veaway+Top10} Impossible by Komal Lewis

December 13, 2012 Reviews 14

Welcome to my stop on the Impossible Blog Tour!
I have my review of Impossible, along with a top ten list about Luca which I am super excited for and a giveaway~
Title: Impossible
Series: With Me, #1
Author: Komal Lewis
Release Date: October 26, 2012
Pages: 254
Age Group: New Adult

Ashton Summers is on her way to becoming the most popular girl in school and nothing—or no one—is going to stand in her way. Especially not Luca Byron, her freak neighbor, with his tattoos, loud music, and distracting green eyes.
 Luca Byron has three goals in life: get through high school with a low profile, make sure his garage band becomes something more than a hobby, and try to forget about his insufferable ex-best friend, Ashton, who he can’t get out of his mind.
 The last thing Ashton and Luca want to do is rekindle their friendship, but when Ashton takes a tumble down the social ladder, Luca—with his new makeover—is the only one who can help her rise up again by pretending to be her boyfriend. At first, being together is unbearable and annoying, but things start to change as Ashton and Luca discover the real reasons they drifted apart seven years ago.
 Now, keeping their hands off each other seems impossible.

This is a new adult book.
I’m really glad I gave Impossible a chance because I ended up really enjoying it. It turned out to be a much more powerful and emotional read than I initially thought it would be. The idea at the start of the book kind of reminded me of the 1990s movie Drive Me Crazy, but it was different enough that the similarities were only general.
I liked Luca right away. Just something about him drew me in. He seemed to have a good heart, and when I saw him out there mowing their lawn, I knew I was hooked. It took me a little bit longer to warm up to Ashton.
Honestly, I was a little bit nervous that I wouldn’t like her at all. I started reading the book and everything she did was so mean girl and shallow that I just couldn’t feel bad for her, but I felt something there and that pushed me to not give up on her. I think it was the connection that I felt with Luca that made me think Ashton was redeemable, and he was totally right. I am so glad that I didn’t stat hating her, because she really opened up during the course of the story and it made me get to know the girl that Luca knew was there all along.
I thought the romance in Impossible was great. It was the heated, passionate kind of romance that half the time meant they were fighting with each other just to get a response and half the time they were kissing the heck out of each other. I enjoyed it because the romance was pretty different than I find in most other YA and New Adult books.
Impossible took me on a journey I didn’t even know I was going on when I started the book. I thought I was going to read a cute little love story and then boom! All this powerful stuff started to come out throughout the story and it grew into a lot more. I really enjoyed Impossible. I am really glad that I got the chance to read it.
3.5/5 Gavels

 Character Top 10 list- Luca:

And now I have this super cute and fun character top 10 list!
Komal: A Top 10 list about things you didn’t know about Luca? Well, this is going to be interesting.
Luca: Wait, hold on a second. You’re doing a Top 10 list about me?
Komal: Uh, yeah. That’s what Michelle @Book Briefs asked me to do.
Luca: And what exactly are you going to say?
Komal: *taps chin thoughtfully* Well, I guess I can tell them that your favorite drink is frozen coke, you wear odd socks, you have a teddy bear named Snuggles…
Luca: Are you kidding me?! Those are such embarrassing Mom things to say!
Komal: Whoa, buddy, I’m not nearly old enough to be your mom! I’m only a few years older than you!
Luca: Wow, someone is in serious denial about their age. Anyway, I think I should be the one to do this list thing.
Komal: I am not in denial! Fine, do the list, but keep it clean. I know how you hormonal teenagers think.
‘10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me’ by Luca Byron

 I collect guitar picks in different colors and designs. I actually have over 30 now!

I have 22 tattoos. Some of them are lyrics to songs and others are images.

 The first tattoo I ever got said “Grant Byron” in cursive.

My favorite song is Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.

My first best friend was Ashton Summers, who is also my next door neighbor.

When people first started calling me a “freak”, I cried for a whole week.

My first real friend after Ashton was Eddison Cavallari.

 I worked out a lot over summer because I’d been beaten up and bullied in the past and I wanted to be able to defend myself if it ever happened again.

The biggest mistake I ever made was letting Ashton go after that night at Kendall’s party.

I would do anything to see Ashton smile.
Komal Lewis is an author who writes both Young Adult and Adult novels in the Contemporary and Fantasy genres. Her debut novel IMPOSSIBLE is a Young Adult Contemporary Romance about a girl who will do anything to become popular, and the rocker boy-next-door.
Komal lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband and one too many dogs and cats (although she never seems to think they have enough). She is overly enthusiastic about video games, comic books, Batman films, Byronic heroes, baking, reptiles, and pretty shoes.
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Michelle @ Book Briefs

14 Responses to “{Review+G!veaway+Top10} Impossible by Komal Lewis”

  1. Christine

    Love new adult books, love opposites attract, and I love that the characters already have history–it makes relationships so much more believable and deep that way! 🙂

  2. Rima

    I love contemporary and am loving the New Adult genre, so this books looks like it’s right up my alley! Not to mention the premise sounds great. 🙂

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