#WWreadathon Picture Puzzle Challenge!

February 5, 2012 event, Giveaways, Read-A-Thon, update 25


Hey read-a-thoners! 

This is for the Wonderfully Wicked Read-A-Thon! I am hosting the 8pm-12 am (est time) challenge. It is open internationally! Come one, come all and play the super fun Book Title picture puzzle challenge. This is my second picture puzzle of the day. Check out my other one in the post below. Feel free to guess both book titles if you are daring 😉

Ok, so how does this work? First you pick a book. Then you find pictures to represent the words in the book title. Then you put the pictures/clues together and try to guess what the book title is.  Get creative and make it as challenging as you want. Make a post with your Book picture puzzles and go around to different blogs and try to guess some of the puzzles. 

Make a post with your picture puzzle and then come back here and comment on this post. Be sure to leave your email address/or twitter/or some way for me to contact you. Let me know if you are US or international. Also leave a link to your post or picture title.

If you want an additional entry you can try and correctly guess my book title. 

I will randomly choose one participant from the comments and links below and if they are from the US they will get a choice from the books below and some swag. If they are international they will get their choice of book(up to $10)! After you are done with my challenge be sure to stop by the next challenge stop at 10 am tomorrow morning. 

10AM – 2PM EST | Tease at Random | Claire @ Project TBR

Here is my Book Picture Puzzle:


Here are the list of books to pick from if you are from the US.

I think I made it too easy, but you never can tell with these. Have fun everyone. Leave me your links to be entered in the contest and be sure to tell me if you are US or international!!

I am also putting the readathon prize pack form here so you guys can fill it out if you have not already. Good Luck

If you enjoyed this post, please Subscribe to Book Briefs in a reader

Michelle @ Book Briefs

25 Responses to “#WWreadathon Picture Puzzle Challenge!”

  1. Kayla

    I loved this challenge! I was able to come up with my clues pretty quick. Here’s the link to my post. I’m not sure how easy I made it, but I added a hint just in case. 🙂

    I have a pretty good idea what your book title is, Michelle! Do you want me to post my guess here in the comments or email it to you?

    klamber1 at unca dot edu

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