Review- Hereafter

May 25, 2011 Reviews 8

Hereafter by Tara Hudson
Hardcover, 416 pages

Expected publication: June 7th 2011 by HarperCollins 
Source: NetGalley 
Summary: (from Goodreads)

Can there truly be love after death?
Drifting in the dark waters of a mysterious river, the only thing Amelia knows for sure is that she’s dead. With no recollection of her past life—or her actual death—she’s trapped alone in a nightmarish existence. All of this changes when she tries to rescue a boy, Joshua, from drowning in her river. As a ghost, she can do nothing but will him to live. Yet in an unforgettable moment of connection, she helps him survive.
Amelia and Joshua grow ever closer as they begin to uncover the strange circumstances of her death and the secrets of the dark river that held her captive for so long. But even while they struggle to keep their bond hidden from the living world, a frightening spirit named Eli is doing everything in his power to destroy their newfound happiness and drag Amelia back into the ghost world . . . forever. 
My Review:
Wow! I loved this book so much! This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite books I have read this year. Great story and such a pleasure to read. I read this book in one sitting- I could not stop reading! The story just flowed seamlessly from one part to the next and all the words just jumped off the page. There was not one boring moment at all. The characters, the story, the details- all amazing! I don’t even know what else to say without just gushing the same thing over and over again.

Let’s start with the characters. Amelia had something about her; I instantly liked her. I loved going on the journey with her as she learned about her past and how she died. I have not read many ghost stories but I never thought about them not remembering their life. I really liked the way Tara Hudson described this area- as a ghost Amelia kind of started over and had to piece everything else together. It was like a mystery, wrapped in a paranormal, and mixed with an AWESOME romance.

Joshua is the boy in this story- and I want him all for myself! He is one of my favorite book boys that I have read about in such a long time! He has such a strong faith in Amelia and it never wavers. I love that so much. Another thing I loved was the romance aspect in this book was major! That was such a nice surprise, since so many of the books I have been reading lately have just been hinting at romance. Hereafter did not hint, it full on put the romance in the spotlight. And I devoured it! I love how Joshua was the only one that could make Amelia feel any kind of sensation- this meant a lot of touching in this book! yay! and I also loved how Tara Hudson described their touch as heating up like a fire. I thought that was a really cool way of describing how things are different for the two of them, since Amelia is a ghost.

Everything came together in such a nice and satisfying way. I loved everything about this book. I am not sure if there is going to be a second book because the ending kind of left some questions unanswered but still wrapped things up. So maybe that means there is a possibility of a sequel? I sure hope so! Wonderful book! Everyone needs to run out on June 7th and buy this book! 

5/5 Gavels. (really it is like 7/5)

Michelle @ Book Briefs

8 Responses to “Review- Hereafter”

  1. tfalick

    AWESOME REVIEW! I have this as an ebook. I REALLY need to get to it! lol. LOVED the review, I think you have me talked into starting it SOON! haha.

  2. VanillaOrchids

    Very nice review! I bought this book for my Kindle not too long ago, but I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. Of course, having read your review makes me want to read it sooner rather than later. I very much love a good romance and this one sounds really good and interesting, what with Amelia being a ghost. 🙂

    Thank you for the review!


  3. Gaby

    I just can’t seem to make up my mind about this series one way or another. They say book 2 is better, though, but I don’t know
    Thank you for the honest review.

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